“What is history?” Recently that is a question which has been asked in class, but what is the answer? Well, I am no expert but to me history covers everything that has happened in the past. For example, everyone knows that the Vietnam war is history, but history could also be something as simple as when you brushed your teeth this morning. So, since history is a mixture of everything made up from the past, then why is it important? In an online article, Peter Stearns, has certain reasons why he believes history is important and I agree with his answers. One reason why he believes history is important, is because he says that history helps us to better understand the people and the societies of both the past and the present. I find this to …show more content…
One-way history was taught to me was through school. I grew up learning about presidents, wars, battles, and other significant matters that formed America into what it is today. Another way history was taught to me was through church. Whenever, I went to church we would read out of the Bible and learn lessons and stories from it. The way I was taught history goes right along with what Lerner wrote, the dead continue to live through the stories we tell. History began as word of mouth and then formed to ways of writing and being able to record it that we have today. If I were told that I had to be a historian, I believe I would begin to look up the origins of waitressing. I am a current waitress so I believe that it would be interesting to learn more about who the first person to be a waitress/waiter. I might look up things such as the first restaurant to ever open and the salary of the first waitress. Did they split their tips or did they keep them for themselves? I believe that would also be an interesting story share with my customers. In conclusion, History is so much more than just dates on a calendar, history is everything that has formed us into who we are today. History does not have to be limited to one thing history accounts for numerous amounts of
History, a collection of the past, holds a lot of information about events and society to help inform us in the present as it is the only data
History is such a significant thing in the United Sates, and to our counterparts all over around the world. It has many purposes that help advance us, and it creates a source to learn from what was successful and what was unsuccessful. History in simpler terms is a preservation of thought during a certain period of time, documented by a person. This is why, we have to think about how history has currently been documented and written. Often the source of our history comes from a person on one side, which usually is the more privileged side.
4. History as a record of events is uncertain and unimportant, but history as a model or type or myth to be made present and lived is of supreme importance.
To begin with, what is history? The answer to this question varies depending on whom is being inquired. Predominantly, history is regarded as the study of the evolution of ideas or events in chronological order. History is frequently applied to study topics such as economics, culture, politics and society. However, it can also be utilized to clarify alternative topics such as science, ideology, technology and more. The challenging aspect of history is to obtain documents and sources that are not biased or are coherent enough to trust.
The importance of our world's history is huge because it teaches us about our past and how we came to be in the world we live in today. History can help you learn about our ancestor’s origins and cultures.
Historians believe they need to find the truth. They make arguments, write papers, and give lecture on what they are saying is the truth. Historians want to learn what happened. This is important, because history teaches many lessons. Students of history agree or disagree with historian's arguments and what they say happened or what is the cause of some event.
In reading a Little History of the World by E.H. Gombrich you realize that history seems so much less complicated when you are the one standing back and reflecting on the past. You realize how easy it is to often forget that every single new idea, religion and war was a struggle that lasted generations upon generations. History is more than just a page or a story, its our account of the world. That goes to show how short life and history is, you realize that history is always repeating, war after war, peace then war. There are good and bad periods in history and its up to us to learn from them. In a way history is much like a human being it goes through stages, learns about life, and has inner struggles or wars about their ideas and their beliefs.
How does the way history is told have power in our understanding of the past and present?
History is something that we all have knowledge of. It may be family history, or even your own but we all know of an experience that happened in the past. These experiences make us who we are, and they determine how we think. Not only that but they determine our emotions towards certain topics. Through characters in the book, "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, " written by Jamie Ford, we learn that American identity is based on ones history and if we want America to become a stronger more united place everyone’s history must be accepted.
To know the past is to know the future. In his essay Knowing History and Knowing Who We Are, David McCullough argues about the importance of studying and teaching history. In his essay, he explains that there are three main points about history: character and its effect upon destiny, our failure of teaching the future generation, and the importance of learning and listening to history. David McCullough strongly advocates that audience should start to listen to and teach about the past in order to learn about the way a person’s character can affect their destiny.
The importance of our world's history is huge, because it teaches us about our past and how we came to be in the world we live in today. History can help you learn about our ancestor’s origins and cultures.
History is defined as the study of the science of humanity in the past. It's a broad subject that spans over countless people groups throughout the years that the world has been around. Even before the times we have written word history was still being made, and it is still extremely important. We tend to forget that in our average day to day lives we are still making history. That all over the globe everyone is taking part in what might be in a history book someday.
History tells us who we are, it hints to what we will be . History is essentially everything that we have ever been. It is a depiction of what happened in the years since the inception of human race. We study history to understand the origin of our existence. It helps us understand who we are, where our ancestors came from, what was the society and culture that they lived in. It helps us understand everything about our past. Without history, we would be nothing.
Americas history is what defines us and who we are as a country. We were built on hard work, sacrifice, wanting to be free and independent to be who we want to. Now a-days, we seem to have fallen away from this. Everything is given to us so easily on our computer and through technology that we have no need to work hard anymore. This is the downfall in humanity because as we keep going, life will continue to get easier and we won’t want to do anything. History is our hope so that we can learn from what we did in our past and how things were done then.For starters, we can see what mistakes we did and make sure we don’t do them again. If we continue to the same thing over and over again, there’s no way for our society to improve from this. Our
History is the study of past events leading up to the present day. It is a research, a narrative, or an account of past events and developments that are commonly related to a person, an institution, or a place. It is a branch of knowledge that records and analyzes