
Essay on Pharmacy Law

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| Pharmacy Law | Patient Confidentiality | | Chaukeisia Roney | 10/24/2012 |
Pharmacy Technology – Thursday Evening

HIPPA Privacy Law and Patients’ Bill of Rights are supposed to protect an individual privacy when it comes to their medical information. These laws were created and put into place to establish patient confidentiality and not have patients’ information disclosed without prior consent. In 1998, Dawn Castellano, a pharmacy technician who worked for Arbor Drugs in Mount Clemens, Michigan, violated a patient’s confidentiality by disclosing information to her son regarding one of her customers. The pharmacy technician was filling a prescription for AIDS medication and discovers the customer was a parent of her son …show more content…

The third right, is confidentiality of medical records. This right protects the patients’ medical record from being disclosed without their consent and also gives them the right to access their medical record. The fourth right gives the patient the right to file for grievance and appeals if their rights have been violated.
Although patience prescriptions are part of medical records and are supposed to be keep confidential, this does not apply when it comes to products containing pseudoephedrine. Under the Federal Pseudoephedrine Law, when an individual purchases products containing pseudoephedrine their information must be recorded in a log book and this information must be keep for two years. This law applies to any prescription, behind-the-counter and over-the-counter medication. Pseudoephedrine is an ingredient use to make methamphetamine. In order to reduce the abuse of methamphetamine, federal and state governments have come up with laws to control the purchase of the prescription, behind-the-counter and over-the-counter medication that contains pseudoephedrine.
According the Federal Pseudoephedrine Law establish in 2006 by President Bush, there has to be a purchase sales limit. No consumer can purchase more than 3.6 grams per day and no more than 9 grams of products containing PSE (ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine) in a 30 day period. Non-liquid forms of PSE can only be sold in blister packs. Also mail-order

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