
Phenomenological Study of Nurses Caring for Dying Patients: Review of Qualitative Study

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The Phenomenological study completed by King and Thomas (2013) compiled nurses’ experiences of caring for dying patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). This paper holds as a review of this qualitative phenomenological research. Several components of the paper will be discussed, including: research question, methodologies, analyzing data and integrity of the original data.
The literature review looks at a variety of research that deals with patients’ death as well as how caring for a patient presents complex and sometimes difficult challenges for nurses. It is not until the end of this literature review that it very clearly states qualitative and phenomenological studies in the past have found that nurses caring for dying patients suffer along with their patients and can affect their personal and professional integrity. With this knowledge, the researchers sought to explore the phenomenological perceptions of nurses caring for dying patients in the ICU.
The use of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of “the world of lived experiences,” allows the events, individual to each nurse, to be described by him or herself. This idea is based on human experience alone, not in terms of outlined theoretical principles. The nurse can describe the event as a transaction between person and world, in this case, nurse and patient.
Methods to collect data spawned from the aforementioned idea of the nurse in relation to his or her experience taking care of a dying patient in the ICU.

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