Philippians 2: 12-30
General Principle Paul is ultimately encouraging the Philippians to recognize who God is and what He has done through Christ for them; he is stating that their only hope is to abide in Him and that they should “shine”(in this principle) for the world to see God’s glory.
Passage Structure & Meaning The First point to make is on the translation of “fear and trembling.” It is normally thought of in a legalistic way to “encourage” people to live perfect lives, however, it should be portrayed as how Christians view God in light of His “work” (v.13) through Jesus Christ for their salvation; man is without the ability to unite with God, it is “His” work. Paul directs believers on how to accomplish this in vs.13-14:
Joyce Meyer, the evangelist once said, “The Bible says to ‘fear not,’ but this doesn’t mean you should never feel scared. It means when you do feel fear, keep going forward…do it afraid” (Brainy Quote, and Joyce Meyer. “Fear Quotes-Page 2” Brainy Quote Xplore, n.d. web.07 Apr. 2017). She is talking about the fear the main character Paul was feeling. He experienced fear in a place he should be safe. In Tangerine, by Edward Bloor, Paul is in constant fear; the theme fear is portrayed throughout the story through choices and consequences that impact Paul. Paul’s brother’s actions consumed him with fear and despite many occurrences his parents did nothing to stop it. Which lead to a dysfunctional home life between the siblings and parents. When
In this case, he does the same things in regard to his rivals. Paul uses pathos in order to convince the church to adopt a countercultural lifestyle than those around them. He takes his rivals and uses himself as a foil against them. He contrasts the motives and the purposes of the rivals and tells the church to do the opposite. The rivals are preaching “from envy” (1:15) but he tells them to “do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit” (2:3). The rival preachers are preaching from “strife” but he tells the Philippians to do all things with the proper attitude which includes not “grumbling or disputing” (2:14). Paul states that the rivals are preaching “out of selfish ambition” (1:17) but he tells the church, “do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interest of
In the beginning of the book, Paul is extremely scared of what is to come during the war. He says, “ not know what the end may be...we have become a wasteland.”(20). This means Paul cannot predict his future because he doesn’t know if he is going to live or die and he feels that he has become a wasteland because he is scared of the future and death. This shows Paul’s fear of death because he doesn’t know what is to come and he scared he will die in battle and be forgotten. Additionally, this displays his fear of death because he doesn’t want to die and he wants to live but he knows there is huge possibility of death. Also, he and doesn’t want to die because he knows he can live a long life but he also feels like a wasteland. Throughout the book, Paul slowly loses his friends to death and in the end he is the last of his friends alive. In the end of the war Paul faces his final battle and says, “I am so alone and so without hope that I can confront them without fear.”(295). This means Paul has experienced a lot and lost all of friends to the war and he feels that he is so alone that if he dies he won’t be scared of it. This shows his overcome of his fear of death because if he were to die he knows what will happen and isn’t scared of it anymore and will confront with a brave face. This shows Paul’s bravery because he can now face death with a brave face and confront the enemy without
The nature of God, the deity, is shown here as righteous, and it is His actions which are central to the entire message Paul is proclaiming. “The righteousness of God” is shown in the way he has chosen to justify humans in spite of the fact that all humans have sinned. Jesus
To further put man at ease, in a step by step explanation, Paul brings into light many circumstances that may occur in a believers’ life as well it was with him in some instances stated in Romans 8:35-39. Even though all or some of these things may happen in a believer’s life there is nothing to be fear in losing God’s love “For the Lord is my shepherd […]” (Psalm 23:1-6).
Here, Paul is telling his audience that faith makes them strong in God. By doing this, he also urges them to perceive how great is the power of God. He is also instructing his audience on how to use that power that they are discovering, the power of Christ. Analyzing the verse a little deeper, what is Paul trying to communicate when he says “be strong”? The Greek transliteration for “be strong, is endunamoo, which means to acquire strength, or to empower. Strength is not something that we are
( Philippians 4:3). Paul had led by example and had confidence in the
For you were once murkiness, however now you are light in the Lord. Live as offspring of light (for the product of the light comprises in all decency, nobility and truth) (Ephesians 5: 8-9). "Here Paul develops the difference in the middle of obscurity and light" (Wood, 69). They were not oblivious and after that in the light. They were the dull and afterward they were the light. Obscurity alludes to when they were lost and did not know the Lord. They were the light when they were spared and got to be one in Christ. "The entire passage plays on the rich imagery of dimness and light, "obscurity" speaking to lack of awareness, blunder and shrewd, "light" speaking to truth and exemplary nature" (Stott, 199). The word, you, alludes to the Christians
The meaning of the passage to Paul is to strengthen his brothers in the faith. Paul wrote this to show them that things will not always be perfect and that some times they will face trials but with Jesus all things are possible. Paul also encourages himself through the encouragement of the church of Colosse. I think that when Paul writes to the church’s and tell them what he thinks, encourages them , prays for them, or even just telling them what he face for the gospel, that it gives him a sense of accomplishment or even a sense of why he is doing what he is doing.
Paul was disquieted about their lack of expectancy as it pertained to the gospel and the hope that was. Imaginably they were bemused by the situation that life present. Maybe their toil with hope was because of their misconception that God was not rich or charitable towards them, they had trouble believing God to be so rich to them. Because of their vulnerabilities, that really were issues of faith, they robbed themselves of experiencing the fullness of God's power. The power to:
In Philippians 1, Paul opens with a prayer of thanksgiving; “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” (1:3 NKJ) for the Philippians. The church at Philippi had been source of great a joy to Paul by their fellowship. Paul prayed that God will complete the work that he began through them and they should grow spiritually as well. Paul encourages the Philippian believers that even though he is in prison, the word of God has spread with the prison guards and has help spread the gospel “I am appointed for the defense of the Gospel” (1:17 NKJ). He affirms to the Philippian people that all this happen because he trusted in the word of God. His goal was to encourage the Philippian believers that they can trust in the sovereignty of the God Almighty despite all the hardship that he is going through (Town 203).
Thanks for the post! Philippians 4:13 is my all time favorite verse. That biblical verse has seen me thru many hard times in life. It simply amazes my simple human mind, how Gods' word comes to life when we begin to meditate upon it. I use to have a battle with fear, I feared I was not good enough, feared success, feared loss of salvation. When I was a child I suffered physical and sexual abuse, so fear was common to me. This verse quickly set me free from fear, when I realized God is in control. A preacher taught me something about fear, check this out. Fear simply means, False Evidence Apearing Real. I think that is so neat. What are some ways that we can apply Gods' word to our lives?
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind.” ( 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV).
Introduction and Alignment The passage I chose from our required reading in Philippians is verses 2:5-8. This passage is significant and I chose it because it focuses on God’s humility by not taking advantage of His Heavenly privileges but instead taking the role of a servant (Schenck, 2009, p. 543). Humility is not placing yourself on a scale position by putting yourself below or above others but instead, thinking of others before yourself more often.
The main message of this passage is that whatever He calls us for to do we shall do it, and hope for the best, to experience the riches of his glorynessasked, and to feel his Almighty power. But be grateful for all that He has done for us. In the passage it is easy to catch that Paul is praying/asking for “Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”(olive tree