
Philosophical Argument ( 400 Words )

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According to Sartre (1948, p.1) Existentialism is a principle that renders human life possible, through the affirmation that all truth and action denote an environment and a human subjectivity. A belief that the essence of man precedes that existence which we encounter through experience (Sartre, 1948, p. 3). Existentialism places the full responsibility for one’s existence upon our own shoulders; putting a man in ownership of himself as he is, responsible for his own individuality (Sartre, 1948, p. 3). But he is also responsible for men, as he fashions a certain image of man, as I would have them to be (Sartre, 1948, p. 4). “I think, therefore I am”, this is the supreme truth of consciousness as it attains to itself (Sartre, 1948, p. 9). Through this man invents and defines himself; this is specifically what Sartre means by ‘freedom’ and provides a connection to understanding ‘selfhood’ (Richey, 2015, p. 8).
It is conceivable to be free without having explicit consciousness of our freedom (Vasey, 2010, p. 2). As if a person could simply be who he is, Vasey (2010, p. 8) states then he would be in the present, and the present tense would be just right for capturing his experience, his relationship to both himself and his world. At the core of existentialism, is the absolute character of the free commitment, by which everyone realises his or her selves in comprehending a type of humanity. Such humanity refers to a commitment

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