
Photo Manipulation In Fijian Women

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Although photo manipulation is not a new subject, the topic is hitting The excessive use of photo manipulation contributes to the large amount of disordered eating in both genders, race and weight bias, and destroys the truth in the purpose of taking photos. Photo manipulation has been prevalent in advertising, modern magazines, and respected periodicals since the 1890s and even earlier. Before photography, artists drew their models and characters with a body type that fit that age’s concept of beauty or the theme of the product being sold instead of the reality of what the people looked like in that day. Once the camera was invented, photographers and businesses just found new ways of contouring the human body to make business. An early …show more content…

Dieting fads and “miracle weight loss drugs” are extremely prevalent in American culture. "Environment plays a huge role in the onset of disordered eating, such that the majority of people who live in our disordered culture (where thinness is overvalued, dieting is the norm, portion sizes are huge, etc) will develop some degree of disordered eating," (Diller, Vivian 2011). It has often been argued that disordered eating does not have a direct link to media and social standards. A study in Fiji disproves that claim. “Once Fijian girls were introduced to the standards of beauty presented in shows, the prevalence of eating disorders increased. There had been nearly no instances of eating disorders in Fiji prior to the introduction of television to the island.”(Ballaro, Wagner …show more content…

“American men and boys have also been inundated with media images of largely unrealistic muscular male physiques.”(Ballaro, 2016) The camera was made to capture an event, moment, or person in time and share it with others in the future. Photos hold memories and if altered lose the truth of the moment when viewed by the future. Photographs are a main source of information and credibility and need to be completely honest and less biased than traditional news stories. Technology today allows altered photographs to be passed off as truth. This causes consumers to lose trust in public sources and spreads misinformation to the public. A study was done that showed women two pictures of a model: an edited photo and the original photo taken. Each edited photo had a variation in fairness of the skin, physique, and leg length. It was discovered that while women find the altered women attractive, they prefer the unaltered images and in fact, also felt better about their own bodies after seeing the originals (Belkhir, 2004). After seeing how much advertisers had altered, women expressed that they were more likely to protest against photo manipulation to advertisers. It is proposed that getting the public educated on the subject is the solution to the unending cycle of body dissatisfaction, companies profiting off the public’s sorrow, and then advertising warped and unattainable body

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