
Dying America's Body Image Analysis

Decent Essays

Photoshop has many uses. It is used to design posters and create art. However, it has negative uses too. For example, manipulating images. Manipulation using Photoshop to alter model’s bodies in the media negatively impacts society by creating an image that imposes an unrealistic body standard and is the root cause of recent adolescent eating disorders. Peoples of all genders are impacted by the modification of model’s bodies. Whether it be one is not skinny enough or one does not have enough muscle, it generates a frequent belief that one’s body is not good enough. Manipulated photos in the media influence the eyes that see it, including children. In an article entitled “Is Photoshop Destroying America’s Body Image”, Vivian Diller Ph.D. states that The AMA ( American Medical Association) is just beginning to raise public awareness about the impact of image manipulation on childhood development. They want us all to reflect upon the way in …show more content…

However, some argue that the removal of manipulated photos will make it harder for models, actors, singers, and other performers because they then feel the pressure to alter their bodies to become acceptable for the media. This is false for two reasons. The first reason is the fact that if photoshopped images are not allowed in the media, or if they at least had to have a disclaimer, than it will make it acceptable for more models and other performers to become a part of the business that they wish to take part in because there no longer is a need to live up to unrealistic expectations and body image is destroyed. Another validated reason is that when every body image is acceptable, then the people who were the only acceptable models and other performers would have equal

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