
Essay on Photo-shopped Lies

Decent Essays

Photo-shopped Lies Media plays a huge role in today’s society. Technology associated with media such as the internet has connected the world together, started revolutions, and has achieved many things that have benefitted us for years now. Although all of this rings true for media, some portrayals in media have had devastating effects that continue to increase. Photoshop has become increasingly popular to magazine and brand editors, celebrities, and models. This affects the way teens see themselves resulting in drastic measures such as eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, and bullying one another for being different. The first case of an eating disorder recognized medically was in 1873 (“Key Events”). The eating disorder was anorexia …show more content…

"Haven't we learned anything from the research done on female eating disorders...except to extend it across the gender line?" asks Kevin Coleary, a doctoral student in education at Harvard University. "You would think we would have learned to make our culture more accepting of healthy, natural physiques," he says in the New York Times (“More Boys”). Magazines are brought up for making women look thinner or curvier but everyone seems to forget the alterations to make men look more muscular making teen boys want to bulk up which can cause them to develop an eating disorder or worse, abuse drugs such as steroids. Another way that photo shop portrayed in the media is negatively affecting society is the increase in use of plastic surgery among teens and young adults. Supporters of cosmetic surgery for teens say: A teenager's emotional maturity should not be measured by age, as each individual is different. Rather, a cosmetic surgeon should carefully interview a teenager, and, when practicable, a teen's parents, to assess the maturity and emotional stability of the child. Cosmetic surgery is a viable means of helping teenagers with cosmetic flaws improve their self-esteem (“Teenagers and Cosmetic Surgery”). Although plastic surgery can improve a teenager’s self-esteem, the surgery wouldn’t be needed in the first place if it

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