
Photosynthesis Lab Report

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The alternative hypothesis for the photosynthesis vs irradiance experiment was initially estimated to be; Ulva grown under low light will have a steeper initial slope, and a lower Pmax than Ulva grown under high light. The results have shown the initial slope (alpha) for the low light was 1.21 and for the high light was 0.81, therefore low light did have a steeper slope that Ulva grown under low light. This would be because in the low light Ulva, light is a more of a limiting factor than for the high light Ulva, therefore the low light algae have adapted to harvest the light to suit their environment. This is done by rapidly increasing or decreasing the pigment content in response to the light availability levels. By doing this the low light …show more content…

The predicted hypothesis for this experiment was Ulva grown under low light will have a higher chlorophyll a content and a higher chlorophyll b content than Ulva grown under high light. The reason that this assumption was made is because Ulva that is growing in light limiting areas need to be able to harvest as much light as possible while the light is available. Chlorophyll a is able to absorb light in the red and blue spectrum while chlorophyll b is able to absorb light at intermediate wavelengths, as discussed in the introduction. The T-tests results that were calculated concluded to be: chlorophyll a (0.17), chlorophyll b (0.47) and the total chlorophyll (0.37). Since all three p-values are greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no difference between the low and high light means, therefore the predicted (alternate) hypothesis can be rejected. In theory the experiment should have resulted as the alternative hypothesis predicted, but consequently errors have occurred that have prevents this outcome. All the class data was combined, therefore nine replications were conducted which would have eliminated human error, but unfortunately the Ulva used mightn’t have been grown under the high and low light conditions for long enough for the chlorophyll to adapt to the

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