There are a lot of aspects that should be taken into account when determining what makes an athlete successful. One could argue that natural ability is one of the determining factors which leads to success. For example, if an athlete has dreams of playing in the NBA then height makes a difference. There aren’t many successful players in the league under six feet tall. One could argue that level of competition plays a role in the development of an athlete. This could include the skill level of the opponent or outside factors such as playing conditions or game circumstances. These types of arguments play a role in athlete success, but will not be used in this paper because they are factors that are out of the athlete’s control. This paper …show more content…
Finally, outside influence plays a key role in determining athletic success. Athletes must be motivated to push away negative influences, peer pressure and what others want. It’s important to have a good coach who cares about the athlete’s success and hones his skills. Coaches can mold an athlete’s physical and mental maturity and play a critical role in helping develop the athlete while putting them in a better position to handle success. Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. For an athlete, motivation can be the difference between waking up at 5:00 a.m. to go for a mile run versus sleeping in. It could be the difference between putting in an extra set of reps in the weight room versus going to the mall with friends. It could be putting in extra time at practice versus going on a date. Motivation is necessary to augment ability. It’s extremely important because one will face tests from fatigue, pain, boredom and outside desires that will challenge the athlete’s focus on becoming the best they can be. Motivation is the center of success, it can be thought of as a tree with the other factors being branches that stem from motivation. It will effect the mental aspects of game preparation, the physical aspects of nutrition, conditioning and sleep. Finally, it will affect the coaching side in terms of training. Some athletes can get through high school and college off size and athleticism.
According to, How Coaches Contribute to Athletes’ Motivation by, YDOMINIQUE STASULLI, it says, “Coaches can develop psychologically motivated athletes with positive self-regard by creating self-worth and a sense of belonging and by limiting judgmental comparisons to other athletes’
Having a coach in life will positively influence your character and your skills. Also, having a coach doesn’t necessarily mean that your playing on a field. A coach can be anyone from a role model to a parent or guardian, a teacher, a pastor, a mentor, or sometimes even a best friend. One of the most important things for a coach to have is influence, and more important than that is that the influence he has on his players must be positive. As a leader, a coaches job is to better his players on and off of the field. This is done by developing the character of his players through encouragement and helping them understand that the game is more than just about winning. A good coach will always put the needs of his players first before he considers himself as a factor. If a coach is successful his players will develop a strong sense of self-motivation. This helps by allowing the player to
My topic is similar to yours. I have always been intrigued to examine the relationship between coach and athlete. In my experience, I have found coaches who provide positive support and are constructive with their criticism are more enjoyable to play for and give the athlete a more positive experience. Coaches that come across as condescending seem to push kids away from the game. It is important that the student-athlete has a positive experience, especially student-athletes at a young age. I feel if a student-athlete has a negative experience at the interscholastic level he or she will be less likely to stick with the sport.
It is my job as a coach to help develop athletes physically, psychologically, and socially while helping them have fun by playing a sport. I will do this by being enthusiastic and having a positive attitude in practice, games, and while not coaching. This cooperative approach to coaching will create a sense of community within the team I coach, and the athletes will feel more welcome to discuss their thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns with me. Creating this setting and relationships with athletes will only benefit the team by creating a team culture necessary for the well-being and success of high school sports’ teams. Success in sports means accomplishing goals set by the team, not winning. Winning is important, but just striving to win is even more vital toward the success of teams. As a coach, I will also be a motivator for athletes. Athletes will see me come to practice with a positive attitude, displaying my passion. This is the beginning of how I will motivate athletes. Motivation starts with my attitude, and athletes pick up on this. In order to motivate and want to be motivated, there must be a reason, a why? I will use the teams’ goals they will set, in order to motivate them to give their best effort in order to achieve success by reaching their
In My article, "Breaking Muscle", it talks about how and what makes people, such as athletes, be able to have high motivation in what they do in life. It ,also, talks about what in the brain that makes people motivate themselves to do what they want and control how much they work in life towards what they want. Motivation is huge factor for people and it has been proven that even animals have motivation, too. It's used daily in our lives, by what people have as doing their jobs to even as a kid learning how to walk. If you have high motivation it can help you get a higher paying job if you never give up and keep your eye on the prize. With athletes, especially the professional ones, they usually have a high motivational level to do their
13-year-old girl Marta shows exceptional athletic ability in basketball. Her coach believes she has good genes. Genes play a significant role in Marta’s ability, Marta might have good genes to be a champion and a successful athlete, but if she does not have proper nutrition and training, she is unlikely to achieve her goal . Other factors that contribute and play a role in developing Marta’s advance ability are nature vs. nurture. However, someone who does not have genetics potential can find another way to succeed in the sport. According to O’Donnell et al., (2016, p. 188), a coaching duty is to find ways to work with students who have a different level and help them acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to achieve their goal. However, genes can work in combination, and other elements can contribute to Marta’s athletic ability, (e.g., nutrition or environment, parent, coach, culture).
proposed have been used frequently to explain how athletes slowly grow and develop their competitive skills (Bush, Salmela, 2001). However, these models rely on a few assumptions. The first is that all individuals are able to reach the final stage of perfection. Secondly, it is assumed that parents are able to provide support and that quality coaching is available to all individuals. Physiological factors, personality traits, injuries, and lack of interest regardless of high ability can all prevent an individual from reaching an expert level. Additionally, some children are not able to devote the time required to develop their skills because of socio-economic reasons and the lack of coaching and opportunities available to
Every elite athlete makes it look easy. Splashing through the water or striding gracefully down the track making it look effortless. Some people assume they are “naturals,” that their perfect DNA sequence is what has brought them to this level. Others argue that hard work and drive is what has made the difference, separating the elite from the average. These thoughts are the ones that give rise to the age-old nature vs. nurture debate. Countless hours of studies and research has concluded: it’s both. High performance sports consultant Ross Tucker puts it this way, “The science of success is about the coming together of dozens, perhaps hundreds of factors” (1). The relationship of such factors, including genetics, types and lengths of
Finding a worthy coach is almost as challenging as having the qualities of a pleasant coach. There are numerous essentials necessary to have these attributes. Many people believe that a coach is simply an “athletic trainer or instructor,” as this is the dictionary definition. However, that is false. Although people typically think otherwise, these underrated coaches do more than instruct athletes. A worthy coach cares about the morale of the team over winning and losing. Coaches should be an inspiration to youth. They should motivate teens to keep trying, and teach them never to quit. The best coaches often encourage the team to want to win, rather than pressure them to feel that they must win.
A student who participates in athletics tend to have higher grades and develop a continuous healthy lifestyle. “Changing negative behaviors of coaches, especially in the area of communication, would increase the positive experiences of athletes and potentially reduce the number of dropouts.” was also said by C. Stewart. The way a coach handles him or herself and communicates with the athletes can leave that coaches footprint on those athletes forever. C. Stewart then goes on to say “Many coaches cannot recognize their own negative behaviors, much less their effects on players.” Coaches not being a good fit for the athlete or other coaching related factors can make the athlete perform less than he or she should be and result in thinking that he or she is not good at it and quit. If coaches behaved well and adapted to player preferences, we would have better performing athletes who didn't drop
the nature versus nurture is concerned with the extent that particular aspects of behavior are a product of either inherited or acquired characteristics. Often, there is no definitive answer. Success, or lack of, is a combination of both genetics and upbringing. Often, there is no definitive answer. For the purpose of this paper, athletic ability will be explored with regards to this debate. while some evidence shows the impact of nutrition and training, the big question is whether or not genetics outweigh the impacts of environment. According to the secondary research collected, evidence tends to support genetics rather than environment. However, a balanced combination of predisposed genes and external factors are often the perfect formula for an elite athlete. Elite athleticism can be attributed to sport specific genes, body types and environmental influences. Here we see that it's what's on the inside that really counts.
A famous tennis player Rafael Nadal once said “My motivation is tomorrow, just one day at a time, right?” What is motivation? Many people have a different connotations for it. As defined in the Discovering Psychology book it means the biological, emotional, cognitive, or social forces that activate and direct behavior. Motivation can occur by different reasons or factors for a person. Yet, What really motivates a person? Psychology has proposed many theories on what a person can be motivated by. I have found two articles about the different research or theories people purpose about motivation in physical activity for students.
Coaches play a key role in developing our youth today. Through sports our youth learn critical thinking, rational thinking, responsibility and respect for others. After reading Sport Psychology Insights I have a better understanding of a coach’s daily roles and responsibilities. Coaches play a key role in developing athletes so they are more productive on and off the field. A coach needs to understand their athletes and the same would be for the player to understand their coach. Through this process coaches can give individual feedback to players to help improve their overall potential and possibly provided even a greater enjoyment to the athlete. This process also lets the athlete express themselves without fear of reprisal and they are able
Having a strong coach brings a style and makes a team distinct. They recruit the players they feel fit under the umbrella of the kind of attributes they like on a team and they try to help these players grow. If coaches can be more selective with the players that they choose to draft then I can see a huge change in how athletes will act.
When I am a coach, I want to help my athlete reach his/her’s dream, but also, I want to teach them valuable life lessons that they can use after they are done playing their sport. I want to base my coaching techniques from the idea of humanism, which is concerned with human worth, human development, and self-determination (pg. 260). I want my athlete to have a positive self-worth, grow to be a better athlete and human being every day, and have the mind set they can do anything they set their mind to.