
Physical Environment In Africa

Decent Essays

It is easy to forget about the trials and tribulations of the physical world because we are constantly being distracted by the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Between rising skyscrapers, expanding cities, and growing populations many forget about the ground they walk on and how their actions impact the long-term use of the land we capitalize on every day. In Africa, the physical environment has a huge impact on what plants and vegetation grow throughout the continent, affecting how its inhabitants live their daily lives. It is through Africa’s physical environment and climate variability that determines the continent’s diverse vegetation species and drives local economies.
Africa’s Physical Environment
Africa’s physical environment is a vast piece of land due to several factors. A large reason as to why the continent is so large is because of the number of cratons that exist throughout the continent, which contain areas that are composed of ancient crystalline basement rock (Child, Lesson 2.1, 2017). Due to its long-dated history, Africa has a very complex geological makeup. Another contributor to this vast continent’s physical environment is the impact of tectonic plates. Because the tectonic plate Africa sits on is relatively stationary and there has been no collision of neighboring plates, mountain chains have not formed. However, a geographical element that is well known due to the impact of continental plates is the formation of the Great Rift Valley (McKenna).

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