
Picky Character Traits Essay

Decent Essays

Characteristic traits defines you as a person on the outside and inside, it also helps you learn more about yourself and learn more about others. It’s very important to know your own characteristic traits so that you would be able to tell someone if you were asked what they were, My two positive traits and one negative trait are Hype, and Sweet, and my negative trait is Picky. Being hype is good because there are no dull moments with me unless i’m sad or mad, being sweet is good because being nice to others would mean others would be nice to me and I would be blessed, Picky is not a nice thing to have because it’s a selfish trait, you like having things a certain way exactly that way. My first characteristic traits is being hype. I chose …show more content…

Sweet is a great characteristic trait to have, because if you are nice to others they will be nice back to you . I really enjoy doing things for people are help out with things . Being sweet is a gift because when you do nice things for others you get blessings for doing what’s right. If you be sweet to others around you they will also be sweet towards, it is great to have a sweet friend around you because they could possibly help you also be a sweet person just like them. Sweet characteristic trait is something to be very proud of, you do things that others who don’t like being sweet wouldn’t do as help the homeless, crippled, special needs, and many more others who needs people help around the world, help the needy and who get help back that’s what it means to be …show more content…

All my characteristics defines me in a great way but the negative trait is something that I’m not trying to keep at all, I will try to work on it as much as possible. My two positives are something that I am proud of, being hype helps me connect with friends on a hype type of level and get to know the real them because being hype is the real you that had finally came out. Being sweet helps me out with others get to know them in a kindly way a friendly way start a new happy friendship with someone other than a bad friendship with someone that i barely knew , so being sweet is a good thing to have. These characteristics describe me in many ways and like others i have to work on one to become a better person in life and that is what I’m going to do, so you should find your characteristics and see which one you need to work

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