
Pieter Brueghel

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The painting Wedding Dance was painted by the artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1566, the painting is arguably Brueghel's most famous painting. Located at, Museum Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA), in Detroit, Michigan. It is still in good condition in the museum, it is Oil on canvas, 47 inches x 62 inches. The painting can be found on page 366, in the book, Experience Humanities, by F. DeWitt Platt, Roy Matthews, and Thomas F. X. Noble. What draw my attention in the wedding the brides wore black which is unusual in our days, also, to the far right, there are two old women seated at a table. Nearby, there is a crown suspended in front of cloth, that’s where the bride should be sitting, but the picture show that she is dancing and having fun with everyone. …show more content…

The bride is wearing black because during the Renaissance period brides wore black. According to George Keyes, the DIA's chief curator and curator of European paintings, Keyes says, “White was a color associated with death and funerals back then. It wasn’t until the 19th century onward, that wedding dresses were white. And the most of the people in the painting wearing a yellow ochre shirt or a vermilion, black, white and light blue pants or skirt. The main color in the painting is yellow ochre that modifies entirely the other colors in the design. In the ground the color is more of mix of green color and shadows toward brown, the trees in the background was more of a brown color. Small areas of bright vermilion, eggshell white, light blue, and warm black are decoratively covered over the entire area in the

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