
Pilots Rely Too Much on Automation Essay

Decent Essays

Pilots Rely Too Much on Automation Turbulence, lighting, stalls—these are all things that a pilot must deal with. However, some pilots deal with these problems too slowly due to a reliance on automation. If pilots do not react quickly, the plane may crash. From Switzerland to New York, pilots struggle with too much reliance on automation. This may cause many lives to be endangered. Many commercial airline pilots endanger passengers from many different nationalities. Even if the passengers reach their destination safely, they might not know that their pilot may lack basic flying skills. One pilot reported touching the controls only seven times during a flight. If pilots only touch the controls around seven times each flight, they don’t …show more content…

Pilots have become too lax when flying a plane. Much of the time, they aren’t actually flying the plane. The cause of this is the reliance on automation.
Pilots’ Late Reactions to Life-threatening Situations Cause Tragedies
It is natural for humans believe nothing will go wrong when nothing has gone wrong for a while. When something does go wrong, humans don’t know how to react quickly enough. This causes lives to be endangered. Pilots have demonstrated this many times during dangerous flights. In one specific plane crash, Air France 447, the two pilots showed panic when autopilot failed. Further analysis of the black box retrieved from the rubble showed that the pilots did not know how to fly the plane manually. Nova, a scientific show that documents various things, carried out an experiment in which the weather conditions before the plane crash were replicated by using a flight simulator. Two pilots were put in the simulator and immediately took control of the plane when autopilot failed. These were experienced pilots knew which controls to use when autopilot failed. Had the pilots reacted properly, many lives could have been saved. People of thirty-three different nationalities were aboard Air France flight 447 when the plane crashed. In total, two hundred and twenty-eight people lost their lives.
Commercial Airline Companies Pressure Their Employees
Large companies have one objective: to make as much money as possible. This is no exception

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