
Plagiarism: Video Analysis

Decent Essays

Watching the DPI video, I have become more aware of the different types of plagiarism. Self-plagiarism, in my opinion, would be what most closely relates to ACCT 220 6381. This is my very first UMUC class, so I can only make assumptions, but I feel there will be some overlapping of information between accounting classes. To avoid self-plagiarism, it will be important to start all future accounting projects with a fresh idea, rather than reusing research I do in this class and just expanding on it to meet the new class’ needs. An example of other forms of plagiarism mentioned in the video, such as brain child snatching or the use of synonym switch, would be submitting a previous ACCT 220 6381 students’ work as my own.

Correctly paraphrasing and summarizing research will be important when writing papers to help avoid plagiarism. Paraphrasing ideas will be particularly useful in ACCT 220 6381 when trying to incorporate an accounting definition within a paper by creating my own interpretation of the information learned. Summarizing will be useful when writing a paper where a lot of research is required. This will allow me to incorporate all the necessary pieces of newly learned information into my assignment. Whenever direct phrases are reused in any work, quotations and citations are still required to avoid plagiarism. …show more content…

Exams and quizzes in ACCT 220 6381 are where I feel academic dishonesty could come in to play. The first possibility would be cheating by use of a previous semesters exam copy. If you know another ACCT 220 6381 student in your same class, it would be considered academic dishonestly to request or accept a copy of their exam prior to you submitting your own. Completing exams or quizzes with another student or having them complete it for you, would also be in violation of UMUC’s Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

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