
Planet of Life

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A Film Review on Planet of Life Apes to Man
Roshan Dominguito Dalapu
BSA 2-5D
NASC 1013
Professor Adrian Guinto
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Planet of Life: Apes to Man is narrated by Stacy Keach, presented y the Discovery Channel. A must see documentary regarding the Theory of Evolution. This series, Planet of Life, presents the history of evolution on this planet. Originally produced for the Discovery Channel, each episode covers a separate chapter in the biography of the world. This episode examines the evolution of humans with the use of computer animation. This video posits that one group of primates moved onto the plains where they evolved the ability to stand upright, in order to survive. These inhabitants of the …show more content…

:the mountains acting as a barrier, prevented the homonids on one side and chimps on the other from making the tree proposed and back.All of these populations formed only a one community in their ancestors somewhere in the range 8 to 10 million years ago and that population became separated. : the occurance of the natural barriers had many consequences. It altered the fate of several species and changed the face of the east african landscape. : years before volcanic erruptions, continents has vast rain forest abundant in rain falls : mountains cool the air. : shifting the moisture away from the ranges eastern slopes. : rainfall is the life line of the africas tropical rain forest. Forest gave way for savana. : the ancestors shared by homonids and chimpanzees are clearly tree dwellers, that prospered in once lush forest. now it would hae to adapt or perish. : this new environmental pressure, triggered the changes that led to human evolution.

3 million years ago : one of humans ancestors made her home to the east, in the rugged ethopian range. : present day landscpe offers few clues. what remains was the volcanic rock from the site where lucy was found, contaiuning the pollen of three million year plants. Prof. Remunman Fee of the univesity of Masay france. pollen analysis would give insights in the lucy's habitat. a huge amount of rice pollen has arise from

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