
Planning For Achieving Organizational Goals And The Apposite Time Of Implementation

Decent Essays

Planning to Achieve
French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery gave us a great quote about planning, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”(as cited in "Last word," 2009, p. 27) Goals are important for any business. To avoid failure, businesses have a crucial need to plan. Strategic and operational planning with proper execution would greatly increase their odds of success. Strategic plans set the foundation by defining goals, establishing objectives and bringing an organization together under a common vision. Operational plans help a company achieve objectives and are critical in the everyday functions of an organization, utilizing a company’s most valuable resource, its people. In the following essay I will discuss these two types of planning, their importance in achieving organizational goals and the apposite time of implementation.
Strategic Planning Mission and vision statements are fundamental pieces of a strategic plan, but what are their purposes? I believe that they are meant to answer the “what(s)” behind an organization. What are we trying to achieve, what is our purpose, what are we planning for? This is where the need for a leader/leadership team to establish a mission and vision for their organization comes into play. How can you plan for something with no direction? A leader needs to inspire their followers by clearly communicating their vision for the organization (Colorado State University-Global Campus [CSU-Global], n.d.). Some important factors

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