
Play The Army General Role Analysis

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Play the Army General role: Make your co-existence look like you depend on each other Another way to install a pleasant and more control atmosphere with your kids, is to install principles, where each party (parent vs kids) plays a role, and each role, in turn, serves to promote a healthy co-existence. What we mean by that, is that you should be able to live together and count on each other when the necessity arises. It should almost be like on a battle field, where each unit counts and where the weaker ones (units) can compromise the survival of the other soldiers and at the same time compromise the whole battle for the team. So you understand now, that installing these types of rules when hoping to communicate effectively with your …show more content…

So , like said earlier, you should represent the general on the battlefield and your kids should be your subordinates (the battlefield here represents challenges at home, outside the house that the kids encounter as well as any adjustments you feel they have to abide to as they grow up, such as hard work and wise decisions). What does a general do? He gives orders, guide his subordinates and makes decisions for the whole group, isn’t it? But, he also motivates, congratulates and encourages them, because he knows that for them to be obedient they have to acknowledge him. His acknowledgement comes through the respect that he embodied by guiding them and commanding them, all by respecting them and giving them what they want (acknowledgment and good leadership from you). So basically everything should be mutual and like they say; what you give is what you get back. The last statement might seem a little bit clichéd, but technically you are dealing with individuals who are inexperienced with life, who need guidance every day, your attention and affection; so technically your presence and implication in their lives are highly demanded. When you think about it, as long as you give them what they need (when it comes to non-material things), you will get back their …show more content…

Most of these parent’s recommendations are followed to the letter because there’s an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust that arises, since the parent managing the child’s career knows how to speak to his child, be understood and have his recommendations executed, without conflicts. You will notice that these athletes are amongst the most successful and respected ones in the industry like the Williams sisters and Tiger

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