
Playing Video Games Persuasive Speech

Satisfactory Essays

Trevor Komeiji
February 2015

A baseball nails you right in your head. The pain is really intense, but when you settle in at home and play some of your favorite video games, the pain goes away almost immediately. You play your games that use much of your brain to concentrate like Minecraft. Then your mom says to get off, and then the pain comes back and is really sore. You would need to take a pain killer but really there is a better option, video games. This is why I am here to tell you there are benefits to playing video games.
One of the great benefits of video games is it can be a pain reliever. Researchers found that video games can be used to distract the brain. The brain is distracted because the increase of blood flow to your brain makes the pain not seem like an intense problem. Based on personal experience, I can say that this is true. I remember the time when I tripped on the gravel road when I was jogging and got some big cuts. When I came home, I bandaged it up with pain then played video games and I did not even notice the pain. This is also true because doctors make some patients that have chronic pain use video games as part of their routine everyday. …show more content…

Video games that are first person shooter games, like Call of Duty, can improve your ability to track more objects and improve your eyes to see more details. This is because you constantly are switching from more direct view, like looking at an enemy, to looking at the whole entire scene itself. For example, you may be scanning the field for any other person waiting to shoot you. Playing these types of games will also help you to pay attention to fast moving events. Scientists think that this could be because in the shooter games the scene is not predictable so you are more

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