
Police Enforcement And Drug Testing

Satisfactory Essays

Police officers play a very important role in everyday life. They represent law and order while protecting the public and fighting crime. Their main goal is to improve the quality of life for every citizen. His or her way of handling stress is tested daily by a simple traffic stop to someone robbing a bank. They have to be ready at any given moment for anything that might come their way when they get the call. Their job is challenging and it could lead them to make many mistakes or cost someone’s life, if they were to be under the influence of drugs. Not every police department is obligated to give random drug tests on police officers but only to do so after something happens. For example a cop hits a parked car, therefore the officer is drug tested. I do not particularly agree with this system. Why wait till something happens to find out that an officer has a problem? Why not conduct a random drug test them to see if there is a problem? Professional athletes, bus drivers, pilots and others are subjected to random drug tests; police officers should be subject to the same. Their job takes brings them to different areas of the city or town and they witness all sorts of violence, which could cause mental stress. A police officer might turn to drugs and/or alcohol to relieve some of that stress. Even if a police officer were to drink heavily on his or her day off it could still be in their system the next day and cause them to not perform their job well. By conducting

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