
Police Policies Throughout The Usa Essay

Decent Essays

This research paper is based on reviewing the actual and changes in police policies throughout the USA. In the United States, law enforcement system is considered as the most critical component of criminal justice system that includes corrections and courts. It mainly operates through governmental police agencies to investigate the suspect. In the fourth amendment, it is listed that law enforcement officers can arrest any person based on suspicion of having a criminal activity or have to commit a crime (Tyler, Fagan & Geller, 2014).
There are three major elements of criminal justice system in the United System along with corrections and courts. The major component of criminal justice in the United States is the law enforcement though the three elements of criminal justice are not wholly dependent on each other, but these all are connected to make a sequence of criminal punishment that starts from an exploration of supposed criminal activity to punishment management. In addition, these three components work independently, which combine to form a process in which law enforcement officers investigate the criminal to punish him according to the level of punishment. For punishment, courts are established that provides punishment according to the severity of a crime (Ammar, 2005).
This task is performed by law officers that investigate the suspect based on his criminal activity or the crime that person supposed to commit. Investigation results are referred to the courts,

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