
Policy Paper : Veterans For Those Who Have Defended Their Freedoms Essay

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Policy Paper – Veterans Throughout history, citizens have seen the need to care for those who have defended their freedoms. Research shows veteran’s assistance programs dates back to the early settlement of the colonies that would later become the United States of America. In the year 1636, the Pilgrims, who were at war with the Pequot Indians, passed a law that stated they would take care of the disabled veterans who had fought in that conflict. During the Revolutionary War in 1776, congress established pensions to increase and incentivize recruitment. Individual states took care of their respective veterans, by providing them with hospital care and shelter. In 1810, congress approved an act that directed the Secretaries of the Navy, Army and the Treasury to serve as Commissioners of Navy Hospitals. The Marine Hospital fund granted them to finances needed to carry out the tasks in development of permanent navy hospitals. This fund was a collection of 20 cents a month from every naval officer and sailor. It was, at this time as well, that the government offered pensions to war widows and orphans, providing them with social assistance and education. In 1811, the first federal hospital opened at the Navy Yard in Philadelphia. A medical surgeon and drafter of the rules for care, William P.C. Barton spoke of the Naval Asylum “I have myself seen a number of sick seamen with whom I was left in charge at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, where they were necessarily huddled

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