
Political And Economic Colonialism Legacy

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Early in the 16th century, colonialism has started with the discovery of new continents across oceans. Since then, European countries conquered large extensions of lands and established trading systems for developing their empires and colonizing this new world. By the 19th century, the scramble for Africa, led by western imperialism, caused 90 percent of Africa continent was under European control (Baker, 2014). When those European countries were benefited from colonialism, the colonies were experienced a suffering era by over exploitation. The famous triangular trade, a trading route between metropolitans and colonies, presents an appropriate example of colonialism on both sides. It has brought tremendous wealth and development to Western countries, but leaving poverty and underdevelopment to African states. Apparently, with long term exploitative and oppressive colonialism, a negatively impacting legacy has been left on the African continent. At the same time, this colonialism legacy also lasts to the contemporary Africa. The purpose of this paper is to explore the unfavorable political and economic colonialism legacy as well as to explain how they form contemporary institutional structures in development field.
Economic Underdevelopment “The economic underdevelopment of Africa is rooted from the European colonization” (Nunn, 2003). Indeed, colonialism has negative influence in the contemporary African economic performance (Bayeh, 2015), which can be seen from the GDP

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