
Political Culture And Higher Education Regimes

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Political Culture and Higher Education Regimes Political culture as a whole has a direct impact on higher education. The chain of command established is created in order to ensure that all systems have a say in what policies are created to manage universities, with a Board of Regents directing over the state’s higher education. Both California and Louisiana’s systems operate differently, but have some similarities as well.
According to Kleiman and Gittell, political culture is “a combination of history and social factors,” and it has an impact on “state policies, including higher education” (in Brown et al., 2010, pp. 713). In California’s educational system, this is evident. The Master Plan established in 1960 shows evidence of the impact a populist system on political culture on education (Kleinman and Gittell in Brown, 2010). This system provides differentiation in the functions of universities and colleges in California based on the segments, UC, USC and California Community Colleges (two-year colleges, four-year research universities, and four-year degree universities). It also established applicant pools for the three types of colleges, established universal access, and continued tuition-free education for California’s residents. The Master Plan established provisions for grant money, as well as governing structure for each of the three segments. Lastly, the Master Plan established a coordinating structure called the Coordinating Council for Higher

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