
Political Differences Between North And South

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The North and South had several contrasting social, economical, and political differences. Some of the opposing views of the upper states included social differences; which involved women, slavery, and views of whether slavery should be allowed. Economics were a major deal for each destination, but they had different focuses. Although the North and South are governed the same way, each had their own view on politics and beliefs. The differences between the two states ultimately led to a new revolution in the United States.
Society was extremely different on both sides, which had to do with womens’ rights and thoughts on slavery. During this time, women had little to no rights so, they organized a group called the Woman Suffrage movement. A Southerner woman, Angelina Grimke, and a Northerner woman, Susan B. …show more content…

The reliance of cotton was a huge deal to the South since it was mainly a single cash crop economy. Without slaves to process the cotton, it would make a loss of money to the landowners. “...slaveholders viewed slaves as property, not as people. (book 387) Because of this, the slaves were not looked at with sympathy, but just as another way to earn money. The North did not rely on slave labor, but had skilled workers who earned money- unlike slaves who had to work without pay. The North relied on manufacturing, with this they could produce more products. “Southern industry faced stiff competition from the North and from England, both of which could produce many goods more cheaply.”.(Book 381). Transportation was another major advancement for economy, for both North and South. “The industrial Revolution was an increase production brought up by the use of machines and characterized by the use of new energy sources.” (crash course 32) With this new invention it increased production with industries and farmers by being able to transport

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