
Political Parties: The Guilty Of The Republican Party

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The amount of entertainers opting not to participate has been unprecedented. This entire election has been the oddest yet in our countries history. Sure, we've seen people decline these invitations in the past due to which party one or something as ridiculous as the color of one's skin. We just haven't ever seen it at the numbers we see this year. Those who shrug these events off as being non-important are approaching this issue with blinders on. The series of events we are witnessing have little to do with a Republican winning and more to do with the continuous reckless comments Trump makes as well as some of the more questionable appointments he has made to his cabinet. Since I don't approve of how either party has handled the issues that face our country for years, I look at these elected officials without the bias influence that both parties are guilty of. Trump needs to calm down and stop allowing his emotions control his messages. …show more content…

Everyone calling them traders, unpatriotic, etc., needs to reassess those statements. Whether or not people decide to call those unpatriotic, etc. because they don't support a President, will only backfire If that is the measure of being a patriot or loving the country, most party loyalists voters from both sides would be included. For many years I've seen both Democrats and Republicans say things like "he's not my President". So, before you judge these entertainers or anyone else for that matter, look within yourself. The word you might be looking for is a

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