
Polygraph In Police Work Case Study

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1.Identify the problems that might result from police agencies utilizing a paramilitary organizational structure. What might be done to mitigate these problems? law enforcement in this day’s use paramilitary organizational structure. this means that the police agencies do similar things as what the military do. Police shape up to their benefit the way the military functions so agencies of law enforcement can be as successful. Some of the things that police obtain from the style the military works are the boot camps, enforcing chain of command, and the arrangement of ranks. The problem the police might result from paramilitary organizational structure is focusing in being so much like military and not realizing that even if the law enforcement …show more content…

Should polygraph results be admissible as evidence in a criminal trial? Why or why not? 173-174 Deception is the action of deceiving someone. Polygraph was first invented, by John Augustus Larson in 1921, in order to obtain this information. This equipment measures blood pressure, breathing, beats per minute and the wat the skin behaves. Questions are to be asked in a series manner.
A polygraph is an instrument created to measure and record the reactions people make. In others words a detector the shows weather someone is telling the truth or not. The polygraph testing is used by many “agencies and companies authorized under the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988”. The author michlle Briar says that the “records of a polygraph examination are interpreted by inexpert who will normally give an opinion as to whether there was an indicator that the person being examine was deceptive to certain questions.
Concluding, polygraph in my point of view should not be admissible as evidence in a criminal trial. My reason for this claim is because of the accuracy of the polygraph test. I don’t believe a machine can tell if a person is lying or not even with having advance technology. Many individuals may be telling the truth and still be nervous and cause that deception on their own. Others individuals are good with lying and having to show little deception. are Ones way into reacting in one question has nothing to do with the …show more content…

How might the role of the police officer in these situations be made easier? 99-101 205i In the class text book police field operation, it clarifies that domestic violence is a pattern of abused behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another inmate partner (Birzr 99). More often in cases of domestic violence women are the victims of men. This situation can occur to anyone at any age and anywhere. When officers of the peace answer a call they never can assure that they will end up alive at the end. They can only assume the worst hope for the best and to win. When officer respond to a domestic violence call officers have very little information of the problem that is going on between the couple. Also mentioned in the booked is that “traditional police response for dealing with domestic violence was to talk to one of the parties into leaving for the event” (Birzr 100). Some problem that police officers can face when responding to a domestic violence is having alcohol being involve with the people involved of the domestic call. Majority of the time the once the individual have had many drink they are likely to become aggressive. The fact that the officers believes they are helping the victim by arresting the offender, if the victim doesn’t know what they are doing they can turn on the person helping them to protect the

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