
Polyystem Theory

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In this part of the paper I will focus on how the Polysystem Theory is studied in the thesis “Translation And Adaptation Of English Song Lyrics Into Turkish Between 1965-1980: Analysis Within The Framework Of Polysystem Theory And Song Translation Strategies” by Damla Kaleş.

Kaleş starts with explaining what “popular” music is. She gives different definitions of popular music to make the reader fully understand the concept of it. Then she states that the popular music as a genre has its origins in 1950s in the world and she highlights the adventure of the pop music’s emergence. Later, Kaleş points out that the Turkish music industry first met the Turkish pop music in 1960s, before that Turkish Classical Music and Turkish Folk Music were the main types of music in Turkey. She emphasize that before the pop music, Turkish music also followed other music types and influenced by them by giving examples of Turkish music bands to keep up with the universal music taste.

According to Kaleş’ writing, there are two important turning points that helped the pop …show more content…

As in the Polysystem Theory, she explains the popular music’s expansion in the world and its introduction to Turkey. Pop music entered the Turkish music industry at the periphery as western music, then it moved forward to the center by expanding in it with the listeners’ demands. On its way to the center western music turned into Soft Western Music With Turkish Lyrics, arrangement in other words. When the arrangement finally arrived to the center it became the Turkish pop music and gave its place to this new original music genre. After that this new music genre made its own way and became what we listen as pop music today. The pop music changed the music sense in the Turkish music industry and created a new genre in it just as it is in the Polysystem Theory’s

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