In this part of the paper I will focus on how the Polysystem Theory is studied in the thesis “Translation And Adaptation Of English Song Lyrics Into Turkish Between 1965-1980: Analysis Within The Framework Of Polysystem Theory And Song Translation Strategies” by Damla Kaleş.
Kaleş starts with explaining what “popular” music is. She gives different definitions of popular music to make the reader fully understand the concept of it. Then she states that the popular music as a genre has its origins in 1950s in the world and she highlights the adventure of the pop music’s emergence. Later, Kaleş points out that the Turkish music industry first met the Turkish pop music in 1960s, before that Turkish Classical Music and Turkish Folk Music were the main types of music in Turkey. She emphasize that before the pop music, Turkish music also followed other music types and influenced by them by giving examples of Turkish music bands to keep up with the universal music taste.
According to Kaleş’ writing, there are two important turning points that helped the pop
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As in the Polysystem Theory, she explains the popular music’s expansion in the world and its introduction to Turkey. Pop music entered the Turkish music industry at the periphery as western music, then it moved forward to the center by expanding in it with the listeners’ demands. On its way to the center western music turned into Soft Western Music With Turkish Lyrics, arrangement in other words. When the arrangement finally arrived to the center it became the Turkish pop music and gave its place to this new original music genre. After that this new music genre made its own way and became what we listen as pop music today. The pop music changed the music sense in the Turkish music industry and created a new genre in it just as it is in the Polysystem Theory’s
Throughout late 1940’s through the early 1970’s, the growth of various types of popular music and trends are historically observed. Starting from postwar
Turquerie was the Orientalist fashion that arose during 16th to 18th century in Western Europe. It is a ‘French term used to describe artifacts made in Turkey, or in France by Turkish craftsmen, and by derivation the influence on French design of elements from the Byzantine Empire, the Saljuq Islamic period and the Ottoman Empire.’ 1 In music, the influence of Turkish culture in European society also spurred composers like Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven to write music with the used of Alla Turca style in 18th century. Alla Turca was being referred to the ‘Turkish music’, however it is not purely music of Turkey but rather as a musical style. The authenticity of the westernized ‘Turkish music’ is one of the exoticism issues which has been
In this essay, I will be examining the musical genre of Afrobeat which was created by Fela Anikulapo Kuti. Afrobeat first came to be in the late 1960’s during the Civil Rights Movement in America. Fela Kuti a Nigerian, was able to create a genre that has change the way we view music today. Afrobeat is made up of two different words, “Afro” and “Beat”. “Afro” correlates with “African organized sound while beat is a rhythmic counting pattern in relation to such music” (Oikelome, 2013). Therefore, the meaning of Afrobeat is the unique African rhythmic patterns of such music. The coming of this genre is very interesting since the man behind it has quite a story.
The Polyvagal theory developed by Stephen Porges and introduced in 1994 provides new insight into the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. The theory provides a clear understanding of the nervous system which plays a huge role for dancers as it can influence mental and physical performance, as well as keeping pain-free.
The one that I choose in historical events and the changes that they may have triggered in the culture’s music which is Music of Turkey. Turkey Music diverse elements ranging from Central Asian Folk Music to influences that takes from Arabic music, Byzantine music, Greek Music, Ottoman Music, Persian Music, Armenian music, and Balkan Music, The pure of Traditional Music in Turkey have spans to across centuries to a time when Seljuk Turks colorized Anatolia an Persia in the 11th century and contains many of elements in both Turkic and pre-Turkic influences. Many modern popular music are trace Turkey Music roots in the early 1930s drive for Westernization. Turkey also have their own documented folk music and they produced in the ethnic styles
As a unique artistic language, music records human civilisation and develops concurrently with human culture. Smetana used music as a cultural voice by celebrating the Czech culture, and to also evoking a national spirit. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts (REF). The cultural background knowledge of the music gave me a new perspective of the Moldau. It changed
Focusing on the interesting and unique rhythm of this piece in relation to the Turkish Janissary style, we will know for a fact that the rhythm which is an important element of this piece indeed determines and differentiates it from the standard classical style of music. Taking into consideration a Turkish Janissary style, the percussion instruments often play this rhythm.
Musical modernism can be seen as the time where music emerges its liberty from Romantic era style -that started in the late nineteen century to end of the Second World War- and gains new ideas and freedom. With the political turmoil and chaos that took over the European countries, -that lured countries into the First World War- composers and artists started to find, create more and new ways to express themselves. They eagerly began to discover the art of Eastern countries with the hope of finding new ways of expression. The changes in tonality, irregular rhythms, tone clusters, distressed and antagonistic melodies, the expressionist, abstract, unusual ideas over powers the music, the traditional structures recreated or composed with
Music carries a lot of influence on the listeners. Further, the popular music of the day reflects the culture of the people at the time, for instance, Chainsmoker’s song #SELFIE comments about the youth and media culture happening presently. Therefore, changes in music usually mirror the changes according to society’s worldview. Music and culture thus flow together.
Middle Eastern Pop music is extremely popular. However, the dominant theme to most of the Pop songs is love and romance. Many believed that religious Pop music, which concentrates on faith and good human virtues, has a place in the market. Islamic Pop music is one of the best alternatives for the youth to drift their minds away from the forbidden content found in some Pop music. In addition, Islam was poorly portrayed in the media. Islamic Pop music plays a very significant role in correcting that image and changing people’s perspectives about Islam. Islamic Pop music is a combination of spiritual faith and modern ecstasy. It is the voice of the new generation that is characterized by meaningfulness, inspiration, and entertainment.
The popular culture of music has changed dramatically over the course of sixty five years. Since this time, new genres of music have been introduced, existing genres have changed, and fixed stereotypes have been associated with certain genres of music. Music has become a major part of popular culture, and is portrayed almost everywhere in first world societies, including on television, radio, at shopping centers, sporting events and in every area of popular culture. Music has become a major part of popular culture, and continues to strive and develop into more and diverse areas of culture.
Popular music is often one of the best lenses we have through which to view our own cultural orientation. Many of the artistic and experimental shifts in popular music have mirrored changes in our own society. For instance, the emergence of Elvis Presley as a public figure would signal the start of a sexual revolution and the growth in visibility of a rebellious youth culture. Similarly, the folk and psychedelic music of the 1960s was closely entangled with the Civil Rights, anti-war and social protest movements. In this regard, we can view popular music as an artifact through which to better understand the time and place in which it is produced. In light of this, the state of popular music today may suggest troubling things about our society.
Music plays a significant rule in our lives. It’s a melody and rhythm we live in. It plays a very essential rule in our day to day to life when it comes to expressing feelings, passing time and for other uses as well. Though we in general may not think about how music has changed so much in the past few decades we must acknowledge the fact todays music is the outcome of the various change in the past. Today’s majority of music we hear is what we define as more as a “westernized” music. Considering other cultures in the world, a huge impact of western music is seen within them. Westernization and modernization are two different words with different meanings and they have two different impacts on a society. Modernization is used to define the improvements and show a progressive transition from one stage to another. Westernization is the concept of being influenced by the customs and techniques of the western society and reflecting them in a non-western culture. This essay will discuss furtherly about the impact of the western society on music cultures of North India and Korea by looking from both the positive and negative point of this impact.
Translation shift is common occurrence that we can find in translation. This thing happens because whole languages in the world have different grammatical structure. According to Peter Newmark “'shift' (Catford's term) or 'transposition' (Vinay and Darbelnet) is a translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from SL to TL”. (Newmark, 1988:85). A translator has to has skill to translate from Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT). If they did mistake in translation, it will be a wrong assumption for the reader. The message from the ST can not be understand by the readers or other people. Because between ST and
“All of these eras, popularized by Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Mozart, Debussy, and many more, laid the foundation of modern genres” (Anna). People listen to classical music everyday in their life, but they did not realize classical music and modern music are connected together. Moreover, there are a lot of examples and proven that classical music and pop music had a relationship. The strong foundation for almost every style of music, without classical music may be we do not have pop music. Same thing as build a house we need a strong foundation, and in this case classical music is the basis of the modern. More than that, too many years had flown away, but music still stays there and update everyday with talent and creative musician. Therefore, when we listen to some style of music, please remember where it came from and how wonderful that classical music gave to