
Ponyboy And Johnny Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Johnny made the choice to fight the group of Socials who were drowning Ponyboy. After Johnny and Ponyboy run away, they wander into the park, where they meet a group of drunk Socials. The Socials are furious at Ponyboy and Johnny, since they watched part of a movie and were walking their girlfriends Cherry and Marcia home. The pair attempted to run from them, but were easily caught and Ponyboy was dragged to a fountain where the Socials began to drown him. The other Socs who weren't drowning Ponyboy, most likely did not see Johnny as a threat and left him to observe Ponyboy getting drowned. But little did they know, Johnny had a switchblade, which he used to stab the Socials leader, Bob. I think that Johnny made the right choice to injure

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