
Pool Fencing Essay

Decent Essays

Due to the number of drowning rates each year occurring, effective and safe-fencing measures desperately need to be installed into every private pool in the backyard. Pool fencing is enforced by Australian legislation, to prevent the occurrence of premature deaths, as drowning’s and their consequences are preventable! (AIHW, 2014).
However, by teaching children in a primary school based learning environment, the basic foundations of swimming and water safety, the number of drowning’s may be decreased from year to year to improve the issue of public health. The HPS approach aims to protect the health of all children to improve their physical, social and mental needs to improve their quality of life and wellbeing’s. Primary schools can co-operate with other community members and organisations, parents, the P & C, staff members in the school and the students to promote a healthy school and to prevent the occurrences of drowning’s. …show more content…

This program is ‘Swim and Survive’ and is a great learning tool to utilise, to educate children about the importance of swimming and water safety, that is aimed to reduce the statistics of drowning’s from occurring in the 5-14 years age group. (RLSSA, 2011). Swimming and water safety skills have successfully been shown to reduce the risk of drowning, which has stimulated the World Health Organization (WHO) to encourage teaching all primary school-aged children basic swimming, safe rescue skills and water safety for a lifetime expertise. (Scarr, 2016). The public health issue of drowning’s in premature ages is covered in the K-6 PDHPE syllabus under the ‘safe living’ strand, which is located under the heading of ‘water safety’ that gradually progresses to different topics across all the stages in the

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