
Pop Education Vs Pop Culture

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What pops into your mind first when you think of popular culture in today’s day and age? The latest dirt on celebrities or the latest iPhone release? The latest controversial issue or the latest iTunes hit? Regardless, pop culture encompases all four of these concepts and many more, which consume the world we live in each and every day. Think about education. At first thought, your mind may not make the connection between the newest Taylor Swift song and the highest ACT score, but the linkage between the two becomes undeniable when you dive deeper. Ponder this: each day millions of kids walk into school buildings across the United States, each of them glued to a little slice of pop culture (a.k.a. their phone). And each day these millions of kids sit in poster-plastered classrooms and “listen” to their teachers. I put listen in quotations because thousands of these kids supposedly “listen” with earbuds in their ears and screens in their laps. The education they are receiving remains a core principle in American society, a core value, but pop culture has it looped around its finger. Sadly, when it comes time to test these children on mathematics and grammar, they seem to know more about the hottest hit on iTunes than the correct placement of a comma. With that said, I want to make this clear: there are millions of intelligent students that have found the balance between pop culture and education, but there are far too many who haven’t. Let’s focus specifically on the ACT

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