Identifying the intolerable can be challenging, we can infer from Popper's writing that intolerants respond with “fists and pistols” to any argument, use violence to attack contrary ideas “for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.” Their main objective is not to refute the ideas themselves, but to destroy the bearer of said ideas. This concept is critical in attempting to understand what does and doesn’t constitute tolerance. Rawls would argue that we could not call a Christian, atheist
Mark Zepezauer’s article, “MK-Ultra from the Book the CIAs Greatest Hits” discusses the psychology experiment conducted by the CIA, MK-Ultra. The MK-ultra conducted a study that used mind control on their participants. Zepezauer recounts the events of the CIA tries to defend their stance by claiming they used the method in response to the brainwashing from the Chinese that was happening in the fifties. He says that mind control practices took place prior to 1953, but became popular after the experiment. He continues to explain how the CIA would use drugs, including LSD, and test them on their patients that were unaware of what tests were upon them. Zepezauer reveals that multiple suicides also took place in response to the given substances. He deliberated how the CIA rented out apartments and used prostitutes in their study. They used them to slip the drugs into their client’s pockets and the CIA would look through one-way mirrors to see the client’s response. Once the auditors discovered this, the MK-Ultra shut down and renamed the MKSEARCH. Mark Zepezauer
Okay, now what were we talking about...oh yes, the back wound. Two FBI Agents, Sibert and O’Neill, observed Kennedy’s autopsy and wrote a report on it. In it, they described the wound as having entered at a downward angle...but went in only slightly [?] – also, that there was no exit. Well, the “no exit” is written in there because, as repeated, the autopsists didn’t know the trach incision in the front JFK’s throat obscured a bullet wound; the supposed exit site. But what about Sibert and O’Neill saying how the bullet went in only slightly???
The articles state about the war however the way to rainy mountain explains about a journey the native american are on, “The journey began one day long ago on the edge of the northern plains.” these articles are sequence to the western expansion because the articles talks about journeys, war, native americans, Lewis and Clark. Kiowas was on an adventure to the heart of the continent,”The great adventure of the kiowas was a going forth into the heart of the continent.” Their journey last for long time. That’s when Lewis and Clark later on met the indiana’s, The indiana’s trade them horses for guns and tobacco. The indiana’s agree to let them pass their country and for them not to be in war.
i.Religious tolerance is the willingness to accept and permit religious beliefs and practices which disagree with one's own.
Another example is in Document “G” Colby stated they the Klansmen broke open my door took me out of bed took me to the woods and whipped me three hours or more and left me for dead. They said to me do you think you’ll ever vote another damned radical ticket I said If there was an election tomorrow I would vote the radical ticket they set in and whipped me a thousand licks more with sticks and straps that had buckles on the end of one. When I read this it bothers me because they beat a man because of his voting beliefs and they almost killed him they were torturing him out of his beliefs I feel as if that is kind of like telling some that is catholic that they can’t believe in
Every individual is wired their own way, however one screen can throw that all away. All it takes is that one click, one swipe, one flip to inveigle the innocent minds of the twenty first century class. Entertainment, better known as the very factor that provides people with pleasure, has turned into a controversial topic for most individuals. They see entertainment with the main purpose of providing happiness for all, ranging from the eldest audience, to the youngest of children. However, in reality, it is quite the opposite. Nineteenth century critic Neal Gabler posed the argument that society has the capability, “to overturn all morality, to poison the springs of domestic happiness, to dissolve the ties of our social order,” to propose the
Throughout King’s letter, he uses the rhetorical ploy of redefinition to show his audience that the measures he takes are not one of an “extremist”. He takes his audiences definition of an extremist and takes it to a new level where being an extremist means fighting for your cause. “Was Jesus not an extremist for love...Was Amos not an extremist for justice…was Paul not an extremist for the Christian Bible”(king 10). King uses examples of people who embody peacefulness as well as people group clergymen could not argue the legitimacy of. When the author redefines the meaning of
writes, “...though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was not Jesus an extremist for love: ‘Love your enemies, bless them that persecute you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.’ Was not Amos an extremist for justice: ‘Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.’ Was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel: ‘I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.’ Was not Martin Luther an extremist: ‘Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise, so help me God.’ And John Bunyan: ‘I will stay in jail to the end of my days before I make a butchery of my conscience.’ And Abraham Lincoln: ‘This nation cannot survive half slave and half free.’ And Thomas Jefferson: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…’ So the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists will we be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice? ...Jesus Christ, was an extremist for love, truth and goodness, and thereby rose above his environment. Perhaps the South, the nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.” (Section 14, Page.
In the Texas v. Majority court case, the theme is tolerance is the driving force of the short read. The Supreme Court argued that we must be tolerant of Gregory Lee Johnson for his desecration of the American Flag as it is freedom of speech and would be unconstitutional to imprison him for exercising his first amendment freedoms. Another argument states that Johnson should have been tolerant of the United
Once she graduated Johnston Academy with honors, she attempted to apply to Union College, however, they did not accept girls. She begrudgingly went to Willard’s Seminary for Girls instead, and it was here that she was able to study topics such as logic and debate in further detail. She loved nothing more than to debate women’s rights and equality, and she found pleasure in the fact that she was just as intelligent as the boys and men around her. In 1840, she married politician and lawyer, Henry Stanton, however, she was never satisfied or content with married life. She found being a wife and mother boring and without much importance, and she would often complain about attending duties concerning her seven children. She much preferred political and social reform to work in the domestic sphere. She viewed them as obstacle in her life that got in the way of her true calling, and she often complained about the lack of intellectual stimulus that her life offered her. She used this experience in future debates and arguments when discussing women’s work and rights.
The most important and relatable comparison for Martin Luther King Jr.’s peers must have been the comparison of the clergymen’s claims that King was an extremist to Jesus’ claim that you should “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, or persecute you.” (p. 6) King argues that because of the similarity between Jesus’ and his own missions of using nonviolence and love to overcome hate, his label of an extremist must be a good thing and so much so that it began to give him
In order to uphold the integrity of our democracy, constitution and higher education standards, there must be an effort to preserve free speech on college campuses. However, in equal measure as illustrated in the First Amendment, students should also be protected from hate speech and provided an equal chance of receiving a safe education. Perhaps it is beneficial to also consider however, that a ‘safe’ education should not be misinterpreted as an entirely un-offensive one. In order to assist in the political discussion and recommended courses of action regarding free speech on college campus, political philosophers’ John Stuart Mill and John Rawls texts’ will be referred to and analyzed in this essay.
I always had some knowledge about my topic I have chosen. Growing up playing sports people would always talk about why athletes do not receive pay. It is an arguably subject to talk about, because some already feel like they receive pay through scholarship. This influenced me more when I grew over when I started playing college football. You get to realize that it is kind of hard without money in your pockets. My assumptions before researching this topic that their would be people who disagree about it because college athletes are not employees, and are going to school for free. The material I read never changed my opinion, but it gave me a more of a clear view to see why they will not pay college athletes.
Jazz music can be likened to a progressive work of art. Throughout its history, Jazz music theory and techniques are continuously advancing and reforming as musicians pursue their interests by seeking new methods of expression. Jazz evolution is perpetual, and can take the form of incorporation of new techniques, adoption of more intricate harmonies and rhythms, or establishment of more elaborate melodies (Gioia). The early 1940s saw an increase in the number of Jazz modernists. As swing music declined in popularity due to various effects of the Second World War, Jazz branched into two very contrasting musical styles. The first of these new and unique styles of Jazz, called Bebop emerged in the 1940s, and was the product of numerous jam sessions in back rooms and after-hours clubs. The movement that unfolded in the later 1940’s and 50’s, called Cool (sometimes referred to as West Coast Jazz) came as a response to Bebop’s later demise. Even though Bebop and Cool stemmed from the big band music of the swing era, their differences are apparent. From its conception, to its musicians, to its audiences, Bebop and Cool came into the Jazz timeline for different reasons. Nevertheless the two musical movements ultimately left a long-lasting and distinctive influence on Jazz music, which is still manifested in Jazz music today.
China is world’s most populous and fastest emerging economy that is seen as a continent in it instead of being part of Asia. In recent years, developed nations have been surprised by the acceleration of development in country that they give examples of success stories based on China’s market. Apart from China’s sophisticated with complex economic and political system, China also demonstrate interesting trends in several different prospects of society that are often neglected by intellectuals. There main focus is always on economic and political reform, But in this essay main focus is on the china’s population and the cultural rituals of family, gender and marriage. To add more, further elaboration will be addressed on the changing trends