
Stereotypes Of Women In Media Essay

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Women in Media
Blonde hair, skinny waist and thighs, large chest, and beautiful. Barbie. The way the media portrays women is very similar to the plastic and commercialized character of this fictional archetype toy. She is shown as the 'perfect' girl, what women are supposed to look like. Not showing diversity, self-love or acceptance, Barbie is societies definition of what it means to be pretty, perfect and loved. This instigates a negative connotation of what society believes is beauty. This disgraceful message of what beauty looks like is shown throughout the modern mass media, the most influential medium in the current era. It is a way of life, consuming and engulfing every young girl in the world. It surrounds children as they grow and evolve into the adults they will soon become, altering their opinions and morals with misogyny, developing their own manipulated stereotypes of society and body image.

Take yourself back to your naive and innocent 10-year-old self, flicking through a magazine, watching a movie or a television program, looking at advertisements as you walk through the mall. Despite horrifically unhealthy and dangerously skinny models and then being told that is what it takes to be considered beautiful. The purpose of media is to encourage a single mindset and view. The use of underweight girls in the modeling industry sets a tone for young girls to look up to these unhealthy women with unrealistic bodies, as the media deems them beautiful. Determined,

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