
Positive And Negative Effects Of The Industrial Age

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Harsh. Unsafe. Dangerous. These are all terms to describe factories around a decade and a half ago. This was during a time known as the Industrial Age. The Industrial Age, characterized by its advances in technology and increase in urbanization, started in England in the late 1700s and spread to America by the mid-1800s. The changes brought on by the Industrial Age affected the US both positively and negatively. Workers were affected negatively. They had to work in the harsh conditions of the factories where they were overworked and put into dangerous environments. These conditions, however, led labour laws being put into place, changing the US for the better The people working in factories were affected negatively negatively by the Industrial Age. Early factory workers would have workdays up to 14 hours long (Farr). While this was around the same length as a preindustrial workday, the amount of work done within that time changed. Preindustrial workers worked in bursts of energy. Factory workers, on the other hand, had to work nonstop in order to meet demands. A worker as young as 10 years old could have a 16 hour work day with only one break (Doc 1). Even when machines broke and production stopped, workers had to stay in the factory, though these unscheduled breaks were often used for relaxation. These long work days were tiring for adults, but even worst for child workers. Children as young as 6 years old were hired as factory workers. They crawled under machines to

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