
Positive Effects Of Minimum Wage

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As time passes on, minimum wage seems to have a positive correlation, since it always appears to be on the rise. Taking a look at the minimum wage chart of Ontario, found in the appendix, readers can see that from June 1st, 2014 the general minimum wage was $10.25/per hour, but looking at a more current time period of October 1st 2015, we can see that it has risen to $11.25/per hour. In fact, not only has the general minimum wage risen over time, the student minimum wage, liquor servers minimum wage, hunting and fishing guides minimum wage and also homeworkers wage have also risen over the years. When people think of minimum wage increasing, they feel like it is a good thing because it means employees will be making more money. However, most people overlook where this money is coming from and how the company feels about …show more content…

When looking with this perspective, you see that higher minimum wage is actually hurting the labour market rather than helping it. This report will focus on the idea of how rising minimum wage has a negative impact on the labour market. Minimum wage is affected by the inflation rate, as the positive correlation between these two has been very clearly apparent over the years (Ontario Ministry of Labour, Minimum Wage). Referring to the appendix (Chart 2), inflation has also been rising; and is projected to continue to rise over time. Since inflation is directly related to minimum wage, this means minimum wage will also continue to rise over time. The reason I believe that high minimum wage is not beneficial is because it is resulting in more outsourcing, layoffs and is also creating a competitive future, which I will continue to expand on

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