
Positive Feedback Forgotten Classroom Practice

Decent Essays

In the article, “ Is Positive Feedback a Forgotten Classroom Practice? Findings and Implications for At-Risk Students” written by authors Sprouls, Mathur, and Upreti, the authors set out to examine the current state of classroom feedback practices among teachers. Their findings were quite harsh. They came to find quite a lag in positive feedback with students who are most “at risk”. These students who are classified as at risk, are most commonly students who have emotional and behavioral disorders or EBD. In the study, a pool of 56 teachers were recruited from 8 various schools and were asked to implement student risk screen scaled tests. In this observation, teachers were being observed and coded by the amount of reprimands, ultimatums, consequences, …show more content…

In the first phase, data was collected from an over all perspective. They collected data on the classroom norm of feedback to all students. In the next phase, the amount of positive and negative feedback towards high and low risk students was collected. What the authors found was that over all, the ratio was 1:1 for all students. For every negative feedback, there was positive. However when they looked at the data from the high and low risk students, they noticed that the students with high risk or EBD were more likely to receive negative feedback than a student without. Based on statistics, we know that students with EBD are “more likely to be placed in restrictive settings, experience a greater reoccurrence of academic and social failure, and are more likely to drop out of school.” The authors noted these findings so that we as teachers can step in and utilize positive reinforcement correctly because we know it can work if we do. The authors left the study stating that its best to have all teachers review their practices to notice inconsistencies that may be privy to one set of …show more content…

It is noted in this article that previous studies have found that adults with various disabilities such as learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, high-functioning autism, and or acquired brain injury, are able to attain this skill with help. However, information based on children is limited. In this study, sixteen preschool children, some diagnosed, some not, were assessed through multiple assessments. For the first assessment, the children were assessed on the amount of emotional expressions they could identify with the use of photos. None of the students were given feedback as to whether they were right or wrong. The following assessment, a EUA or Emotion Understanding Assessment, required the preschoolers to answer a set of 20 questions throughout 5 levels of understanding. The authors then moved on to drawings. In this assessment, they asked students questions like “look at this drawing, tell us what Eric wants.” Finally they moved on to the last part of the process, instruction. Here, the teacher focused on a 5 step process which included a cue, prompt, response, consequence to response, and an inter-trial interval. At the end of the study, the students were then assessed one final time and the

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