
Post-Identity Television: An Analysis

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Is it better to: desensitize a significant part of our identity to avoid feelings of isolation and for everyone to relate to each other or appreciate our natural differences because they were never supposed to be ashamed of the first place through broadcast media? According to “The End of Post-Identity Television,” we may be leaving the “post-identity era” in which difference in race, gender, sexuality, culture, and social status were normalized in television - “and that’s a good thing” (Christian 556). We are fortunately departing the era that generalized our differences because they are so-called controversial labels. However, according to Sexuality and Teen Television: Emerging Adults Respond to Representations of Queer Identity on Glee, …show more content…

Meyer and Wood focuses on one particular award-winning musical, comedy teen show produced by the FOX network - Ryan Murphy’s Glee. It has been dubbed as The Breakfast Club, Bring It On, and High School Musical in a nutshell. Even though the focus and screen time is on the several generic heterosexual protagonists, viewers are more attracted to the diverse characters in the show. According to their conducted research on the show’s viewers, many have described the show as “slightly more realistic than a lot of reality television today,” and “different because it addresses real life issues concerning homosexuality, teen pregnancy, and social outcasts” (Meyer and Wood

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