By getting a post secondary education people gain many benefits. By going to college individuals learn knowledge that other people won’t know if they don’t get educated. Getting a post secondary degree you have a better chance of making more money in some fields, and you will also gain real life experience by attending college.
My brother Patrick is going to a two year technical school and is learning to become a diesel technician. When he graduates from this program he will know all the correct information about diesel equipment. With this post secondary degree, he will start out in a higher position at John Deere than somebody who doesn’t have a degree at all. With this, he will have an increased chance of getting promoted, to head mechanic.
The pursuit of secondary education is worthwhile because it is beneficial in the long run. In the life an individual's career, a college degree will give them the credentials to move to a higher position. For example, a fellow co-worker of mine has built up the work experience that is highly beneficial to a business management team. Even though this
We are told to “go to college” by family, media, and teachers, but we are never given an explanation on why it’s important for us to get a higher education. The importance of higher education is so we can obtain a career that can support our needs and wants. It’s also important because it gives you an advantage when trying to get a job. Employers require a higher form of education, which is necessary for our society to advance. There aren’t many jobs that accept people with a high school diploma as their highest form of education. Employers want people that know what they’re doing, and so does our society. In order for people to go into the career field they want, they need to go to college to learn everything that comes with that career.
My passion for education has taken me far, but I want to continue learning after high school. A degree will not only increase job opportunities, as a college education can also improve your interpersonal skills and will allow you to network with a wide range of students, professors, and alumni. College is not solely important to me because of the statistics that prove how much more job security college graduates will have and how much more they will earn, as gaining a better understanding of important subjects taught in colleges is critical. College is important to
Attending college or pursuing a higher education is worth it because a degree ensures a stable, well paying job and provides a better quality of life. In Document A, “Earning and Unemployment Rates Based on Educational Attainment, 2015” compiled by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, a higher educational degree, such as a Doctorate or Professional degree, corresponded to a lower unemployment rate with a higher pay, while little to no educational degree corresponded to a higher unemployment rate with a lower pay. This means people who received a college degree had a better chance of finding and retaining a well-paying job because they are typically skilled in one profession that cannot easily be replaced, such as a doctor or engineer.
There are some people who think college is a waste of time. Then there are others who would debate that opinion and say college is an essential key to life. With a college education, I would have a better opportunity at making my life a lot better. I will be giving myself the opportunity live above the poverty level of today and I will be giving myself a chance at middle-class living. College can be extremely tough if I am not disciplined but it is well worth it. Going to college gives me the advantage of a better education at something that I love, growth in my career, achieve independence and great aspect of networking.
The key aspect that many people would think about going to college is to just become more intelligent. This statement may be true because everyone goes through the same amount of schooling. Whether or not their learning ability is better or worse, everyone goes through the basics of schooling that everyone should know. First of all, college brings many job opportunities and a stability for yourself. With a higher level of education you can earn the ability to be able to switch jobs locations. A high school graduate is lucky to get a job, and them pushing it moving it around isn’t going to help. Meanwhile, a college graduate could switch job location from this continent to the next. Getting a job that grants you
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been questioned about your dream career, or what you want to achieve as an adult, or even now. Chances are you have, but, did you ever take the time to really think about that question and finally distinguish that you want to be an Astronaut or a Surgeon or maybe even a Scientist? Well, if you did then there’s almost no doubt that you’ll need to attend college to acquire the certain level of skills you need to become that person that you dream to be. Obtaining a college degree will almost guarantee that more and more opportunities will come knocking on your door because a college degree is a stepping stone to success and companies and businesses are very much aware of that. Success is what people are looking for and a degree verifies that you qualify to achieve great things. Oh, and did I forget to mention that that vast majority of people with a college degree make a lot more money than people with just a High School diploma or being a High School drop out for that matter. However, aside from qualifying for an immeasurable amount of career options, a College education has shown to help with communicating with others, which might not just help with job benefits, but also with relationships on another level.
Going to college and obtaining a college degree would provide one with endless possibilities and opportunities in their life. While attending college students have the chance to meet many new people. This provides students to get out of their shells and explore new ideas. Having a college degree also widens ones options for a career and gives the opportunity to make a better salary. Many jobs today are requiring employees to have some type of college degree. Employers also pay an extra amount if one does obtain a college degree, and having a college degree often provides for greater promotion opportunity.
A continued education after high school leads to better and more suitable job. A higher education lest a person
Pursuing a post-secondary education is very important because without that extra education you will not be able to get as good of a career as you would with a post-secondary education. With that extra education you have more opportunities of higher paying jobs and healthcare coverage. Also when students go to college they have a chance to listen to the Professors lecture on their personal field of study, so they know what they are talking about. With a college degree you are also open to more promotion opportunities. Also when you go into the college life it is a time where you get a big taste of the real world, you start to be independent, learn to save money and pay bills.
My mother grew up on a street consumed with abandoned houses, needles and filth. She was born into a lifestyle with limited luck. From the very beginning, she was the older of three siblings, two sisters and one brother forced into responsibility—just her luck. She was given a mother, which this is okay, but of course her mom had to be strung out on drugs and alcohol—just her luck again. I could go on and on about the misfortunes in my mother’s life but then I wouldn’t be able to drain you all with the despairs in my dad’s life. He on the other hand had nine brothers and three baby sisters him being the eldest as well that’s just his luck, he grew up with a strong southern minded mom, but no dad and that’s just his luck. From the dangers of the neighborhoods they grew up in to the exposure they got from walking on the streets they figured they had the worst deck of cards.
All things considered, a person’s post-secondary education highly affects the rest of that person’s life. College is responsible for helping people find their calling because they have to find a major they are interested in, and want to pay for. To clarify, someone should not choose a college because of it’s price. They should choose the college that will benefit them the most, and it just so happens that the more expensive colleges will benefit them more. College is the most important step in someone’s life, so if they have to spend a quarter of a million dollars on a bachelor’s degree, so be it.
I have decided to pursue post-secondary education for various reasons. For instance, I am interested in particular subjects, such as Business and Applied Sciences, and would love to be able to study within these faculties while learning about something that captures my interest. I feel that by attending post-secondary, selecting and building a career would be much easier. After receiving a degree, chances of obtaining a good job with a well-established company will be greater and I hope to one day work as a software engineer for a major company such as Google or Microsoft. Another reason I wish to attend post-secondary is because I wish to help make a change in our world one day. Attending post-secondary will help me gain the knowledge and
The major reason of going to college is to get a good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. Many people think that a higher education is essential to prepare a person for their future. As
Why is college so important? A few years ago, most people only obtained their high school diploma and would receive any job in the market, but colleges have become the twenty-first century key to success. Jobs are now being given to those who are more educated and college provides this extra education. It is not the same as high school. High school education consists of a more general knowledge, which is a small amount of information about all the topics, but college is focused on the major. College graduates have more comprehension in their area than those with a high school diploma. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” (Chicago Tribute). His point is that the more educated a person is; the higher goals they can obtain. College is the best way to succeed because it provides more education about deeper knowledge and moral value. It also opens up more job opportunities, and practical knowledge about the discipline and enlightened understanding.