While being in High School I have managed to be part of many clubs, being in honors classes, taking online classes, cheering for basketball and football, and being able to makes As and Bs and maintaining a really good GPA. I feel by being a part of all these activities I have reached my potential excellence. Being in all these activities has allowed me to become a better person. I based my high school on all of these and hanging out with my friends and I wouldn't change a thing.
to the array of orange, yellow, and red hues. The fall has begun, but this means so has the college application season. Thousands of high school seniors are racing to testing centers last minute to gain extra points on their ACT and SAT scores. American College Testing (ACT) and Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) are college entrance tests giving ways for high school students to gain acceptance into college and earn merit scholarships. Typically Ivy League colleges require their students to score in
Section 1: Introduction and Summary of the Issues My high school teachers always emphasized the great importance of our SAT scores and its great contribution to our college applications, and most importantly, the decision of either being accepted or not to the college we had highly anticipated. The SAT is taken by many high school students nationally as an entrance exam for many colleges and universities to admission decisions (How to Interpret Your SAT Score Report). Interestingly, the SAT was originally
intellectual development. I felt that school drew upon the natural inclinations of students,
abundance of A’s are not just superior in school, but could mean the person scoring those grades has the proper skills to excel in their field of work and have higher earning potential than someone who settles for lower grades. Furthermore, there are statistics that exhibit a strong correlation between high school GPA and income. Michael T. French, director of the health economics research group at the University of Miami, states “A one-unit increase in your GPA has a very sizable impact on your education
analysis of questionnaires and found that the majority of questions were biased especially in favor of whites, males, and wealthier students. He compared males to females and Whites to Latinos, as well as White to Black. What he found sheds light on the entrance test development process and could also explain why we do not see items biased in different groups favor actually cancel each other out and why we continue to see score gaps between some groups. Monica Rizzo analyzed
easy and preparation is necessary. Accountability testing is a somewhat fair way to test students and to show how they could potentially perform in college. Accountability testing tends to be very deceptive. Schools are required to teach under a specific curriculum, but there are schools who are unable to afford the items necessary to
and some people found that they still could not find the job they desired after they spent all the money they had on college education and being in heavy debt. Therefore, everyone was not sure that colleges are designed for all college students. Consequently, people who do not have means to attend to colleges should consider if the costs outweigh potential gains if they go to attend colleges, and to force themselves to attend colleges could lead to negative outcomes. Those people who cannot afford
By the time a student has reached their senior year of high school, they have taken a standardized test a great number of times in order to get the score to attend their college of choice. A standardized test is any exam that is given and scored in a predetermined, standard manner. The SAT and ACT are known as standardized aptitude tests (Popham). SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment Test and ACT stands for American College Testing. The SAT was first given in 1926 and the ACT followed in 1959. Students
students is promoted. School systems are becoming more corrupt and with mandatory testing, injustice is allowed to be processed throughout the nation. Standards that are constructed by standardized testing for students should be diminished or repealed from the educational system. Students are used to accumulate data by taking required tests such as the American College Test (ACT), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) , Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE), or the High School Placement Test (HSPT)
Note that about one third of the schools continue to use whole-letter only grading systems. Among public schools, 30 of 71 (42.5 percent) use only whole-letter grading. Plus-minus grading systems are clearly the most prevalent type of grading system among this group of schools. To clarify the notation used below, the A+ to C+ system would use the grades A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C , D, F, while an A+ to
Carrothers et al (2000) piloted and analysed a 34 item measurement tool to assess the attributes of medical school applicants in Ohio. 147 applicants were assessed and their scores compared with traditional admission criteria, such as prior academic attainment and interview assessments. The researchers were concerned about the tendency for students to be accepted on the basis of their biomedical knowledge, regardless of their ability to relate to and empathise with patients. The increase in
hall students using a three-step model, Zheng et al. (2002) noted that parental education is significant throughout all three steps. They found that “students were more apt to do better if their parents had more education, with first-year college GPA increasing on average by 0.02 for each unit’s increase in parental education level” (p. 278). One plausible explanation for this finding is that parents with higher educational levels have higher expectations and provide greater support to their students
time most colleges, including Iowa State use a combination of standardized test scores, high school class rank, high school grade point average, and essays to make decisions on admissions. All of the above are good determinants of a student’s possible success in college, except standardized test scores. Standardized tests discriminate against minorities and are not a good overall indicator of a student’s potential. For these reasons and others, Iowa State should not use standardized test scores when
Australian university that found a strong positive correlation between Chinese students’ test scores and GPAs found that later semesters did not reveal the same results. This is possibly due to Semester 1 courses being easier than later courses through their college career. A factor that must be considered is the students who are not accepted due to a low score (usually under 6.0) who may have had the potential to succeed in the field of their choice in higher education. Lastly, the financial aspect of losing
From the beginning of world history, engineers have always served as leaders on the frontier of human innovation, driving solutions that impact health, security, and efficiency. Today, teams of engineers are transforming communities around the world. They are bringing water collectors to dry villages, and cleaner products, such as converters and biofuels, to cities. Consequently, I want to be an Electrical Engineer to transform my community and live for a job that I love. In this essay, I will outline