
Poullain De La Barre

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To evaluate oneself, to truly invest the time and the effort into digging into the deepest recesses of one’s mind is not a quest that is as clear cut as it may seem to be. Evaluating oneself would seem to be the simplest task, to think to oneself, “Who am I? What things are important to me?” You could start with the easy ones. Family, friends, love, happiness. But what about topics outside of that? What world do I really want to live in? What kind of issues are at the forefront of my mind, the kind of things I want to resolve to be able to truly enjoy my friends, family, love, and happiness? What kind of things do I want to spend my time thinking about and forming opinions on? If I were to ask myself these questions, I would need to take …show more content…

As a female, or even simply a person, the equality of the two sexes is very important to me. I believe very firmly that no one, regardless of sex, has any sort of advantage or should be seen differently in the eyes of the law. In François Poullain de la Barre’s On The Equality of the Two Sexes, he conjectures that “It is easy to see that the difference between the two sexes is limited to the body since that is the only part used in the reproduction of humankind. Since the mind merely gives its consent, and does so in exactly the same way in everyone, we can conclude that it has no sex” (de la Barre, 82). De la Barre’s point is something that is seemingly easy to understand, one could almost call it common sense, although some people don’t see it that way. If someone of one sex is given the exact same opportunities as the other, it would only make sense for them to excel in that field based on their talents, abilities, and motivation as an individual. Therefore, inequality based on sex doesn’t really make sense, and I truly believe that our nation would benefit as a whole if we stopped cutting out half of our population based on sex. In order to truly succeed, we need the full support and ability of everyone, we cannot rely on just one sex to carry us into greatness. We must cooperate, we must work together, and we certainly must be able to see past our differences in order to make the world what we …show more content…

I am a person, I am alive, and I want to be able to live my life to the fullest I possibly can. I believe that the endless pursuit for money is invaluable if not given the time to spend that money, I believe that anyone, given the same opportunity is able to achieve the same things regardless of sex. I believe that in order for our world to be a world we want for our children, what we want for ourselves, we must not be passive. We must do. We must create the things we’ve always wanted to create, we must find the one thing we all have in common and strive towards that. We must not focus on our countless differences, but our one similarity. I am a Westerner, but I am also so much more than that. I believe in Western ideology, but I do believe some improvements can be made. We must learn to examine ourselves, to believe in ourselves, and to know what we want out of lives, our community, and our relationships. To truly understand the things around us, we must first be able to truly understand

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