
Poverty Affects Children The Most

Better Essays

Zinnah Fallah-Brown
Mr. Van
English 12-1
21 February 2016
Poverty Affects Children the Most Poverty is a major problem in the world and a growing problem in America, it is the state of being poor. In America, the United States Census Bureau published that there were 43.1 million people living in poverty in 2015. In light of this situation, there are currently 21% of 15 million children living in a family with a low income coming into the household according to the National Center for Children in Poverty. Children growing up in poverty usually have the worse outcomes in life. Growing up in a poverty stricken area can have both negative and positive effects on young a child but mostly negative. These could all be mental, physical, and …show more content…

Poverty is seen too often in America, and people do not think about the causes especially in young kids and teenagers. One of the reasons most people do not think much about poverty in this country is because they do not understand how it all happens. /To elaborate, there are many causes of poverty and one of those causes happens to be a poor economy. Jobs are closing and it is becoming a competition to find new ones. If someone never graduated high school or college, it would be harder for them to get a job compared to someone who has graduated. This can also be related to how people in poverty may not get the proper education. Also, if there are not any jobs left, individuals with low income most likely will never get a job because they do not have a degree and they can not afford to take classes? This causes individuals to only get a small amount of unemployment benefits. In the result of no job opportunities, people are forced to either become homeless or live in low income housing because there is a lack of affordable houses.
“According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, families across the country would need to earn a “housing wage” of $15.37 an hour to afford a two-bedroom apartment at the average fair market rent” ( It is very hard to find a job when someone has no experience, no degree, or is even a drug abuser. In elaboration, Drug abuse is also

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