
Power Of Words In Mein Kampf's The Book Thief

Decent Essays

Seven hundred and twenty pages in a single book changed history. These pages are found in Mein Kampf, the influential book written by Adolf Hitler. This book altered the lives of many people, including Liesel Meminger, a girl moved to Himmel Street in Nazi Germany. Thrown into a place, Liesel is forced sees how words affect day-to-day life. Her world becomes an experience of those words in action. When reading these words she realizes she must truly understand the meaning of each if she wants to know what is going on and how she is going to cope with it. Liesel had to learn to cope with the words that were killing so many. Because of all the killing, Liesel has to learn at a young age that even though the people are gone, does not mean the relationship is. These three ideas of words having tremendous power, the need for …show more content…

He shows Mein Kampf’s justification for the mistreatment of people who do not fit Hitler’s description. He would spread the word on how to go about treating different people and they would listen because it was what their leader told them. Another section of the story that expresses words being impactful is when Liesel reads The Grave Digger’s Handbook, a book she picked up at her brother's gravesite, with Hans, her foster parent in Germany. Reading this book helps her to fully understand her brother's death and bond with Hans while reading it. Without this book, Hans would not have connected with Liesel on such an emotional level. In addition to those two books, there is the burning of books. The burning of books shows that Hitler felt threatened by the messages of other books and wanted to get rid of stories that spoke anything other than what he taught, in fear people would go against what he was preaching. When they followed through and burned their books it showed respect for Nazis and their literature. Simple words can become fearful

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