
Praying Habits Through A Multicultural Church Gathering

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PRAYING HABITS IN A MULTICULTURAL CHURCH GATHERING The purpose of this research and writing this paper is to understand the sociological behavior of different ages, genders and backgrounds in relations to the belief in Prayers and to analyze how sociological factor and values can influence the pattern and habit of praying. Prayer represents an individual’s attempt to communicate with the supernatural (Stark and Finke 2000), as well as oneself and others (Ladd and Sphilka 2002, 2006). As much as it might be difficult to explain the reason why this different people pray especially within a few period of time of research, this study will base the reasons why they pray on the social interaction in term of responses, communication and …show more content…

This knowledge helped my investigation and conclusion. Extra studies on purpose of prayer and social behavioral value associated with prayer were done to understand the pattern of the group prior to the research. This prior study gave me background knowledge to nurture my investigation into social pattern of prayer within the group. PATTERN No doubt, as seen during the prayer sections, prayer is a major part of religion and belief. It would be difficult to overstate the importance of prayer to religion, for it is “belief and ritual at the same time” (Mauss 2003:22) and “to religion what thinking is to philosophy” (the poet Novalis as quoted in Heiler 1932:viii). However, habits to prayers measured by general devotions and concentration to the prayer sections exhibited by this group was greatly influenced by sociological factors. Although other factors can also be observed but then the role of sociological factors was clearly seen. The Observation based on social factors include: -The female gender has more concentration and devotion to prayer than the male sex. I view observation as response to emotion, which is more to the side of the female gender. Surprisingly, the male are distracted by the children during prayers while the female in ignore the distraction of the children to focus more on the prayers. In general female population of the group pray more than the male Older female between 45-60 prayer more

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