After months of rehearsing, the show date finally approaches. I find myself in what I like to call my pre-performance state. This state usually last from the first tech rehearsal to the last show. To prepare myself for the show I begin by not eating over processed foods and sugary drinks. These items make my body feel very heavy and sluggish. In order to perform at my peak, I have to feel energized. I achieve this buy eating a lot of green foods. My diet mostly consists of salads and grains. I stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. My pre-performance state also entails my two favorite beverages coffee and apple juice. Before each show I must have mocha frappe, crackers and a bottle of apple juice. While doing make up, I find it calming to listen to music and sip my apple juice. I snack on the crackers because I usually do not eat an actual meal before the show. I like the empty feeling it leaves me because I feel much lighter. I keep warm with my favorite pair of warm up harem pants and my lucky tan socks. I must have these before every show. It brings me comfort and encouragement. I like to surround myself with music before the show starts. This is how I get out of my mind and into my body. I listen to Banks, NAO, and other soulful yet melodic music. The feeling that this music brings …show more content…
The first dance I had to concur was Tommy Parlon’s work. For this dance, I needed to find myself in a place where I felt like everything around me was left without a thought. It took me back to a relationship where we both stopped trying. There was no motivation, care or effort involved we just let ourselves drift. This was my intent during the dance I tried to feel the movement as if I were letting it fall apart. It was very enjoying to let myself feel the emptiness develop while performing. It was like riding a wave I let the movement connect without
When you dance a piece, you become one with it and it changes your perspective and you feel like you are actually living the part you are dancing to. Everyone that has danced has been infected and overwhelmed with emotion at some point. Think about the first dance you had with your husband at your wedding, or a father daughter dance, or your first dance in middle school. All of those are just two person dances, but sometime people dance alone or in a big group as a performance, and in order to be a hit, the dancers must become one with the dance. They have to let go and let their bodies take
important foundation in understanding the broader scope of how dance can be seen as a
“Each funeral was a funeral for all of us”: Notions of Race, Identity and Mortality in Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Dance is defined by Webster as “moving rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps”. However, it can also be used to sway an audience’s judgment or exhibit feelings and emotions that cannot be conveyed by the usage of verbal language. When watching a show, I would like to be able to get something out of it and with this it brought childhood memories and rung my old tomboy ways and made me realize not only is it okay to sometimes still have those tomboyish habits but also to see you don’t always have to be an adult and take everything in life seriously. During this performance two of my favorite pieces were 909 Lamentations and On the surface. I felt as if these were two of the strongest pieces throughout the whole performance.
My whole life has been of dirty mirrors, old ballet shoes, and ripped tights. I was 5 years old and a beginner at a dance academy. I didn’t quite know what dance was when I got in, I thought it was just a place to spend time in and just enjoy the music they played. Over the years I learned that dance is way more than just a hobby or a place to go when you are bored. It is art, you are the one making art. Your feelings are the story to your dance, and your moves are the music. People will see your pain or happiness through these ways. Dance is not just a hobby, it’s an art, it’s something that you don’t actually have to throw music at when the steps and feelings you add are the music to your dance.
My personal aesthetic in the terms of dance extends far beyond mentioning what I like and what I dislike. It unfolds the layers of my personality, my style, and my past experiences. I tend to think of aesthetics in the form of a jigsaw puzzle. Within a puzzle there are hundreds of important pieces that fit together to make a grand image and each puzzle piece requires a process of development and self-discovery. My aesthetic puzzle pieces include confidence, vulnerability, dynamic, high energy, illusion, and emotional connection. Most of my aesthetic is initiated by personal preference or a significant event in my life, but I will start with the foundation of my dance training first. I was raised in the dance studio where I regularly practiced ballet, jazz, tap, musical theatre, and contemporary. I was blessed to have the opportunity to explore multiple genres of dance at a young age and as a result of this, I began my aesthetic development with a very versatile palette of movements and interpretations.
The second dance I will be critiquing is called “Love and Euphoria”. In Love and Euphoria, the dance was very complex and had many things going on. The theme of this dance is the bliss of being able to spend a special occasion with someone you love
People often think that dancing is just about having to do a routine, but it isn’t. I just don’t dance, I perform, I breath, I count, I see the world slowly fade away. I create my own little place to be safe in. I release my feelings, and thoughts. I tear down the walls that stop me from being happy, and that allows me not to be angry anymore. I lose the pain, and I let go of that girl that is full of hurt, and I smile. It is not just about doing a dance it is much more than that. What I do is something wonderful that I can not find the words to express how amazing it makes me
I became a ballet student at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts in 2014. Being a high school student here gave me the opportunity to expand my horizons and take in as much art as I possibly could. During my first fall at UNCSA, I attended the Emerging Choreographers performance and was privileged to see works created by fourth year contemporary majors. These stunning works showed me the possibilities that dance holds to truly convey powerful and meaning messages. One work in particular stood out to me. It was a piece that showcased five dancers all dressed in pedestrian clothing. At first it appeared to be a casual street scene but a the music progressed one girl began making incredible sharp movements as if she was possessed. She made tiny movements of her hands and feet all the while moving a great distance across the stage. The others started going off what she was doing and all moved together as one giant body supporting the girl in the middle. She continued dancing in the most amazing way have many small movements combined with huge movements that made her seem a thousand feet tall. Intrigued I spoke to one of the dancers about the intention of the dance. She told me that the
This dance functions as an act of catharsis. Whether the dancers were actually going through struggles in their own lives or imitating emotions, there was a release of energy from the dancers. As an audience member witnessing this piece, I felt a release of energy because I could relate to the scenario these dancers were portraying. I also believe this dance portrays art as understanding. I am not totally positive of the intentions of the choreographer, but it seems the idea behind this piece is personal have been personally experienced. The dancers had a breathtaking portrayal of struggle and the feeling of finally being free from the force that was holding them
This dance provided me with a feeling of separation from the real world almost as if I was in space. Lately, I have been listening to a lot of electronic dance music or EDM. This music style does not contain words and makes you feel free as well as disconnected from your surroundings. I feel as though Kimberly Bartosik’s Etroits sont les vaisseaux does the same. The performance provides an overwhelming sense of calm for me just as EDM does. The piece does this through multiple focuses including: heavy breathing, the floor plan and lighting design, and the constant flow of movement.
No matter how often I get on stage, it still feels like the first time. As I wait for the actually show time, it’s like the hours of that day move slower than creek water. I have to touch everything that is in front of me. I look like that child in the candy aisle. The final 30 minutes is the worst time of my life. As I stalk the people decide come to enjoy their date night. I open a lot for people so I can go unnoticed, I buzz around listening to people to listen to their conversations to understand my crowd. I found myself in the back of the room with tunnel vision. The room goes from be pack with people and everyone in their own little world to a black room with it’s just me and the stage. Originally the music playing, but all
How should society react to sin? With The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne takes us back to our roots, back to Puritan New England, “a land where iniquity is searched out, and punished in the sight of rulers and people” (58), and through this skillfully crafted novel, gives us an answer. According to Hawthorne, it is in the best interest of society to openly punish sin, for eventually the transgressor is reaccepted into society, while those who have sinned and receive no absolution from society suffer terribly.
RD3: Figurative Meaning The use of figures of speech is a crucial step in a poem. One of the main importances is that they embellish to the style that the author is trying to convey. They are able to aid the reader’s senses and alter them to change the perception of the reader in accordance to the poet’s wanting (Nordquist Web). Figurative language helps strike the reader and gets them engaged while reading an author’s work.
I have always been a planner, ever since I was little. SO when it came to being ready for the talent show, I was a little more invested. A critical step was to change into my talent show costume at the end of class, to ensure that I was ready. I had to pretend to my friends that I would be so embarrassed for everyone to see me in my costume even though I felt excited for the attention on the inside.