
Preeclampsia: A Nursing Approach. Kytcia J.Guillen Morales.

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Preeclampsia: A Nursing Approach
Kytcia J. Guillen Morales
The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing & Health Innovation

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of
N4441 Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
Marti J. Hesse, RN, MSN/Ed, OB Clinical Assistant Professor
February 3, 2017

Preeclampsia: A Nursing Approach
Preeclampsia is one of the most common hypertensive disorders that occur during pregnancy. According to Ricci (2013), “Preeclampsia can be described as a multisystem, vasopressive disorder that targets the cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, and central nervous systems.” This disease can be either mild or severe, and it can also progress to eclampsia if not treated properly. According to Arun …show more content…

According to Ricci (2013), “The woman will be asked to monitor her blood pressure daily (every 4 to 6 hours while awake) and report any increased readings; she will also measure the amount of protein found in urine using a dipstick and will weigh herself for any weight gain”. Patient at this point has developed mild edema at this point in the disease, but it will be important to monitor for signs and symptoms of worsening of the disease. If severe preeclampsia is noted due to ineffective interventions and treatment, then a more vigorous treatment is needed. First, the patient is admitted to the hospital because this disease may be a danger to her life and the life of the fetus. It is recommended to be admitted because nurses and healthcare professionals can monitor closely and act if something happens. The treatment depends on person by person and fetal age. “The woman in labor with severe preeclampsia typically receives oxytocin to stimulate uterine contractions and magnesium sulfate to prevent seizure activity” (Ricci, 2013, p. 628). Magnesium sulfate should be monitored to ensure it is at therapeutic levels (4 to 7 mEq/L) because high levels can lead to respiratory distress and cardiac arrest. “Delivery of the fetus and placenta remains the only definitive treatment for preeclampsia to prevent maternal and fetal complications from disease progression” (Feulner, 2015, p. 56). This will depend on many factors including the severity of the

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