
Prep Writing Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

My current approach to writing an assignment I am given is usually done by rushing through to get it done as fast as possible. However by rushing I do not feel that I get it done effectively, or the correct way. This is one of the reasons that I decided to take the class College Prep Writing. I wanted to improve my writing skills in a big way, and feel that I am ready for writing assignments that college will throw my way. I wouldnt say I am a terrible writer, but I like to think everyday is a chance to be a better person at whatever I am doing. In this case it will be writing. I feel that by taking this class it will help to not only get ready for the college that I plan to have in my future, but also my skills, no matter what, that will stay with me for the rest of my life. The effects will be not only short-term as I go through the rest of high school and eventually college, but will also follow me out for the rest of my life. Everyday we are using writing in one way or another, and the differences between good and bad writing skills are huge! This class is to prepare us for the writing portions of college and that is exactly what I am planning to take advantage of it for. …show more content…

I want to go from the low level of writing skills I believe myself to have now to being college ready and extremely confident with my writing. I honestly want to be able to look back at my pieces of writing and be embarrassed, and see the mistakes I made clearly. As for my role as I student I want to take in as much as possible and put it to use, never give up on myself and work as hard as possible on everything. For the role of a teacher I need someone who won’t give up on me and can teach my clearly what I need to do to be a great

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