
Prescription Thugs Summary

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Prescription Thugs, a documentary by Christopher Bell that talks about the abuse of prescription drugs throughout the United States. Bell investigates by conducting interviews from numerous individuals that was affected by prescription drugs. These individuals include, people who worked in the pharmaceutical field, people who used prescription drugs, and people that has been affiliated with prescription drugs. Bell’s conclusion states that pharmaceuticals are at fault, and that they are the cause of the problems that has affected people’s lives who used prescription drugs. He supports his evidence by looking on the researches done on the prescription drugs sold and the bombardment of advertisements that conveys a positive outlook towards life …show more content…

Throughout the United States, children take prescription drugs in order to get high. Most of the time, it is not even for recreational purposes, it is because that doctors tell them that it’ll cure some ailment they have. One of these prescription drugs is Adderall, considered to be a gateway drug for children getting high. People keep getting killed by accidental overdosed from prescription drugs every nineteen minutes, saying that it is even worse than alcohol. Some people ruin their lives by even taking prescription drugs. The niece of the pharmaceutical representative, who was a pre-med student that got into a car accident and was taking prescription drugs, died due to depression from the halting of taking prescription drugs. The niece burned herself alive by taking the oil from a lamp and lighting herself. Bell continued to interview a journalist named Greg Critser, who authored the book “Generation RX,” which is about the relationship between America and pharmaceuticals. He exclaims that drug companies advertise their product so much that it internalizes inside individuals that the drugs they’re selling are good and not poison, then he continued where the drug is somewhat of a poison where it kills another thing off to benefit another. Pharmaceutical companies also lobby the political side of their ambitions to cover up the negative side of their

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