
Essay on Presenting of a New Grammar: Indirect Questions

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Presenting of a new grammar: indirect questions

The aim of my seminar paper is to show how to present indirect questions to students of a middle school. The indirect questions would be inroduced and presented to students of 9th form. These students should be approximately at pre-intermediate level of English and they should be familiar with the direct questions, its form and use. The students will be able to recognize the differencies between both types of questions, and will be able to understand a different usage of both grammatical concepts in a particular context. The presentation and practising is divided into two lessons.

Class I

1. The introduction of the lesson:

After checking the attendandance (2 minutes), The teacher would …show more content…

Explanation of a new grammar is in Czech, because some students may not fully understand in English.

Teacher: V angličtině se běžně můžete setkat s oběma typy otázek, tedy jak s přímou, tak nepřímou. Nepřímé otázky se v angličtině považují za zdvořilejší, než nepřímé. Používají se tedy při rozhovoru s neznámým člověkem. Například s někým komu bychom v češtině vykali.

In this part, the teacher introduces the new grammar directly on an example, explains, when it is used and compares the structure to Czech. Examples of both direct and indirect questions are written on the blackboard. The teacher asks the students to translate them and what differencies they see between them. The students are actively involved and identify the new rule independetly, but with the help of the teacher.

on the blackboard: What time is it? x May I ask what time it is?
Where do you live? x Can you tell me where you live?

Teacher: Can you see any differencies? Vidíte nějaké rozdíly? Zkuste je popsat česky.

Possible answers of the students could be: indirect question is longer, than direct and, that the order of verb and subject has been changed. Then the teacher summarizes the students‘s ideas and explains again the main differencies in Czech, for better understanding.

Teacher: Hlavním rozdílem tedy je, že v nepřímé otázce je slovosled stejný jako ve větě oznamovací. V nepřímé otázce, jak je vidět na druhém příkladu, se také vynechává pomocné do, does, did. Nepřímé otázky jsou

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