
Analyze The Role Of Presidential Candidates In American History

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Throughout American History, people expect those who run for president to fully understand the occupation and its role as president and the importance of soliciting their votes. During each election, America assumes that each candidate will thoroughly explain their positions and their values so that the people can become familiar with the candidate and begin to trust them. Over time, the way presidential candidates promote themselves to America continued to evolve in many different ways that connect more with people on a nation wide level. Also, each president has a role they must follow. They are expected to understand the qualifications of a president and its powers in position so they can truly be in running as the Chief Executive of the United States of America. Moreover, new ways of publicizing the campaigns, have become a major role in understanding each candidate. With that being said, strategizing and campaigning have changed dramatically as new technology was introduced. In early America, the presidents were limited to its abilities as laws were new and not concrete. Once the U.S. developed into its truest form, the government realized its strengths and weakness. While overcoming many obstacles in the colonies in the early times of America, then later being a whole nation as one, the government created a unique governmental system that included regulations for the president in order to keep America united and tranquil. In the early times of this nation, voting

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