
Presidential Candidates: The Mistakes Of President Bill Clinton

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This presidential election is gearing up to be one of the most if not the most interesting, and strange presidential election in the history of the United States of America. In addition, both Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are not very loved by the American people. Many individuals feel as if Clinton is a rotten liar and should be in federal prison, and on the other hand many Americans are scared of trump and his ideologies. Sadly, one of them will win the race to the White House, unless something shady occurs. Nevertheless, candidates always make mistakes during their campaigns; sometimes costly mistakes. Though many political scientists have been in favor of Clinton winning this election, there four costly mistakes she can make that can cost her the election. As a matter of fact, she’s currently makes those mistakes. The first mistake that can cost Clinton the election is taking Hispanic enthusiasm for granted. We know …show more content…

One of the keys to Clinton winning this election is turning red voters blue. Conversely, that is not happening quite yet for Clinton. Yes, there are some republicans that are determined to never voting for Trump, however, a reasonable moderate-right contender could arise as a candid substitute instead of Donald Trump. For example, Bill Weld who has a widespread history with Clinton has agreed to join Gary Johnson on a probable Libertarian Party ticket. Now, Republican leaders will not have to be forced to vote for Clinton and instead have the option to vote for Trump or Johnson as well. In the meantime, other anti-trump republicans will still refuse to vote for Clinton; and as a result will boost his numbers in important states such as Iowa, Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida. If Hilary ends up losing this November, her supports will feel stupid that they did not lock in moderate republicans

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